lighting? After Germination


Active Member
Hi People,

So I was lucky enough to have a friend give me a few Strawberry Cough Seeds.
I fully germinated them and just put them in soil this morning. I'm just using an ordinary organix soil mix from the gardening store.
Should I put lights on them even though they have not sprouted out of the dirt yet? And shold it be on 24 hrs a day? I like using 24/0 cycle.


Active Member
turn the light off. No need for it for a while from the looks of it. Let them sit in the room in just normal roomlight or even complete darkness till they are at least 1 inch or so high then slowly get them used to the mh. I would suggest using a small floro or some cfls when then are smaller. You will know when they want the mh just by watching them grow. Think of it this way. these are your children, you will watch them grow and you will most likely talk to them and look at them very carefully. When they are big enough and are strong enough put the mh on them but for now its like throwing a infant in a tanning bed.

Ill take his words. Sound very enticing.


Well-Known Member
good deals, I put mine in soil about 30 minutes ago now its just the waiting game before I start throwing some cfls on them. Should only take a few days at most. My seeds took only 14 hours to germinate in a cigar box on a heatpad.


Active Member
Thanks. I actually am using a CFL on them now. Is that bad. Or should I just turn it off and wait till they sprout?
Pics will come once they sprout.



Well-Known Member
yeah a small cfl is fine just ease them into any light and watch how they react.


Well-Known Member
yea im starting a batch of white rhinos, 5 have cracked. i was wondering what size cfls u were using on the sprouts i was guna put mine under a 1000 watt hps on an adjust a wing reflector after they get good and ready, im starting to think i might not want ta put tem under it after reading somethings on here....... sounds like i should wait tell the leafs start searching fr more light by tiping upwards???? yea or nae? thanks fer the help!