lighting and heat situation help!!!!!!!!

josh b

Well-Known Member
hey all,my plant is 3 weeks old about 8" tall and is under a 70w 2700k clf.
it is now in its 1st day of flowering and is a sativa strain,i waz wondering would it be able to cope with temps of 30 or would that be to hot?

i have 3 windows open at all times and a bug net over my cabinet.

all help/advice please.



Well-Known Member
your plants need to be 70-80 degrees,You said 30degrees ????????

I think he means celsius. 30 C is 86F. You'll be fine OP. Ive had plenty of days where my grow tent gets that high.

I wouldn't go into flowering yet. You'll end up with a crappy yield. Whats the hurry? Let your plant grow some more so you get more yield. Get some more lights too. CFL's aren't that expensive.

josh b

Well-Known Member
ye i have a 150w clf to put on aswell,i want a short veg time because they can take upto 16 weeks to fully mature as it is a sativa strain.
this will put temps to 33 celcieus or so

thanks for all the help.