Lighting & Flowering Q's


Active Member
HEEYYY YOU GUYSS im going to be useing 2x600w in flower. shud i just use the one of them for the first 2 weeks of flower or will 2 make a difference? And shud i give them VEG nutes for the first 2 weeks of flower or bloom or dont it matter? thankyaw


Well-Known Member
Two 600w over 8x8 is just about bang on, I'd even put another 2 plants in
Hps bulbs right?


Active Member
Yeh mate hps. I would put another 2 plants in there if i had them. ive took 16 clones tho a few have rooted but no were near big enuff too flower. So shud i just start the 2 lights from the get go or after the first 2 weeks? thanks for reply.


Well-Known Member
Pics of the plants would help. But if they fit under one 600w put them under that until they need more space, no point wasting money right?


Active Member
im gona start with 2 lights because they look a bit cramped togeather under the 1 light and i have to take the stretch in to consideration.


Active Member
thanks for dropping in sworth.And youre right it getting erratic in there. my 10" outake extractor come today so the other lights going up. CC blue dream haze on its own.IMG_20121013_121714.jpgdinafem auto original amnesia.IMG_20121013_121539.jpgIMG_20121013_121531.jpgand the rest of the firm.IMG_20121013_121516.jpgIMG_20121013_121507.jpg


Well-Known Member
"The Firm"...I like it. Sounds like they run a protection racket, which is a cool comparison lol

How far along is the Bd haze? (pic1)
I've never done an auto, but your amnesia is up there with the rest that I've seen here on riu. ;)


Active Member
There all 1 week into flower bar the auto it about 3 half weeks. they protect and serve lol. i thought i wernt gona see the BD start showing budsites with pistils on so early considering it a haze. i thnk it could flower in 8-9 weeks the way it heading.


Well-Known Member
I don't have the patience for sativas, hell, I have enough trouble waiting for my indicas! lol


Active Member
lol this is the first haze i have done so this should be interesting. all the other strains i have are 8-9 week flower. il post seperate pics of the 6 of them later with names etc. anyway im off saturday football team awaits for the GOAT. Peace