Lighting for my clones..please help!


I want to install fluorescent style lighting above my cloner. I have up to 35 clones in at one time. What wattage bulbs do I need? How many bulbs? I'm hoping to be able to use 2' or 3' lights.


bud bootlegger
i'll try and find you a link, but t5s would rock out in your setup.. you could get a four bulb two footer, or even an 8 bulb jobby... give me a second, and i'll get the link..


I already have a t5 that i'm using for my older veg...I have a shelving system I want to use for my clones and babies just transplanted to cups. I'm looking for something a little more compact to fit the shelf (3'x10')


bud bootlegger
they sell individual t5 setups that are just one bulb.. i've been looking at them for ages..

other than that, i'd say get yourself some cfl's... the biggest actual wattage ones in the correct spectrum work great.. a few in the 6700k range are killer for early veg, clones, seedlings..
i bought this hood at the petsmart near me that i guess is for fish tanks.. it takes two cfl bulbs up to 100 watts apiece and it sits very nicely on my small glass shelf that sounds like what you're talking about..


yes it is...thanks. exactly what spectrum should i be looking in? and how many would i need for 35 clones and 60 early veg?


bud bootlegger
hmm. well, you want the 6500k spectrum for veg.. i don't ever see a problem mixing spectrums either tbh, just make sure you have more in the veg spectrum than you have in the lower 2700k flowering ones, but that's up to you really..
i'd say that using that small hoood, you could probably fit a good dozen or so under it on 16oz solo cups like how i do it, so i'd say you'd need about three or so of those hoods with two bulbs per to pull of that amount of plants..

i'll try and find the link for petsmart for the small hood that i'm using for you while i'm bored..


Well-Known Member
clones really don't need much light, indirect light light is just fine, i do 16 with one 23 watt cfl with no problems.