Lighting help for grow tent?

I'm starting up a new grow tent I have one already. It's a 4'x3'x7' with a 400watt hps light in it. The new tent I'm looking into getting is a 5'x5'x6'8". My question is what size lighting should I get. Electricity bill is an issue so I don't really want to get 1000watt hps but I was thinking should I get 1 600watt hps or 2 400watt hps lights? I don't know which would be better. IMO I think the 2 400 watts would be better because you would get a bigger light footprint and more wattage. but I'm kinda on a tight budget so I'm thinking I should go for the 600 watt. I want to get better yield so that's what made me think of the 2 400 watts but I just don't know. I need someones opinion that has more growing experience then I do. Thanks in advanced for the help.


Well-Known Member
I'm a noob myself but what i would think is how tall is the grow going to be? if i was growing tall tree like plants i would get the 600w but if i was growing small or doing some kind of training to keep the canopy small i would use the two 400w. but like i said, im a noob and thats just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Flower clones at 7" tall and LST during the 12/12 stretch to keep your plants under 2ft tall.

Keep your existing 400w and add another 400w to cover the entire area. You will end up with a cross over footprint in the centre where the plants will more than likely need extra feeding. But will average more yield from them.

With a 600w you could only cover 3.5ftx3.5ft with around 4-6 3ft plants.

You could have 8-10 2ft plants under 2x400w. Pulling more weight in total.

No brainer in my eyes.

yea im going to do smal trained plants. Im starting to learn to train plants with topping and fimming and defoilation. Ive learned that i can get more yield out of a smaller grow space that way and i dont have much grow space but i do have a good enough amount to grow a good amount of plants. and thats what i thought jondamon. I was just unsure. thanks for the advice. it would be cheaper that way also.