Lighting Help, READ PLEASE

Okay, so I am using my normal clip-on light bulb at this stage my seeds have germinated, I have planted them the head has come out the seed. When do I put my growing light on (400watt)? Also, when can I add my growing nutrients?


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I am using my normal clip-on light bulb at this stage my seeds have germinated, I have planted them the head has come out the seed. When do I put my growing light on (400watt)? Also, when can I add my growing nutrients?
I would start off with florescent bulbs if they are that small and then move over to the 400 watt, or just put the 400 watt about as high as you can away from the plants. They will be easily burned and they are very fragile at this point in their lives.

I wouldn't add any nutes for a while, your soil should have enough nutes for them right now. What type of soil did you use? I am a hydro guy (have grown soil before though) so I will defer to current soil growers as to exactly when to add nutes.

Good luck and keep it green.


I usually wait for 2 sets of real leaves before going to the HID. I also don't know about soil, but in coco coir I feed a few days after moving to HID.


Active Member
depending on the growing medium, read the labels and see what nutrients are already in it and see if they are time release or not.. it will tell u how long they will have nutrients in it..

IMHO stay away from soils that already have nutes such as Miracle Grow, stick with soils like coco coir that has neutral pH and no added nutes. also has anti fungal and disease resistance properties
I already had soil laying around, it was shit stuff from B&Q i think it will just be normal soil. nothing special. Also, my plant it sprouted and there's like two leaves and ones like snapped but hasn't fell off it's still connected by a little tiny bit of the plant. Will that be okay?


Well-Known Member
you can leave it undercfl or put it under HID or both the growth wont really change much till it starts getting some leaves. and dont start nutes till second pair of leaves, half dose