Lighting Help


Active Member
I found a 60 flourescent bulb in my basement, should i use this till i can get a better light or should i just keep moving it in the sun?


Well-Known Member
If your plants get used to outside sun they get used to outdoor conditions. Wind. Mixed light spectrum. Fresh temps. & obviously LUMENS. she gets tons of lumens outside so she grow quick. Indoors your gona get slowerr growth if you can't match up the same lumens as outside. Wich is impossible.

Best grow light on the world is the sunn. IMO.
60watter is cool if you've got a seeding. 1bulb for a plant is best for mother plants to keep them alive not keep them growing. Big difference.


Active Member
you also have to find out what the light spectrum is, if its the wrong spectrum you are cutting your usable watts by half at least. still would work for the first couple weeks of growth though