Lighting Q's


Well-Known Member
Hey Yo

Ok so i'm growing in the AG atm, and i have 2 rather tall females that i am keen as beans to keep, but i am shutting down the AG because i recently found out its illegal to grow hydro where i am :(

SO, i have them in 12/12 atm and they have shown that they are clearly female but they just wont bud, they have been there for 2-3 weeks now and are showing NO signs. I have another plant in a grow room who is a Hermi (thanks to asprin ((awesome theory plz enquire))) and is ripping along, yet it only started a couple of days before the AG. Btw the hermi is growing in soil...

Now i think (correct me if i'm wrong) that i NEED a red colour spectrum to make these little babies flower, because the Hermi has a warm white light and the AG ladies only have the normal white lights.

Is it the lights or somethign else that is holding my Buds back?
thanks for the help yo, i'm oudi!



Well-Known Member
It's true, that during flowering they prefer the red spectrum than the white spectrum. But this is definitely not what's holding your buds back. You could grow entirely a plant from seed till harvest using just white spectrum lights or just red spectrum lights. It's just that they prefer the white ones while vegging, and the red ones while flowering.
2-3 weeks is still very early in flowering, give em time, 12 hrs of UNINTERRUPTED darkness, and they will bud!!!! Assuming they're females....:)
Hope i helped a bit!


Well-Known Member
Hmm well

I just moved my Ag plant into soil (i know risky move) but she seems to be going ok. And more amazingly my hypothesis was correct, second day under the 2 x 24wat warm white clf's and its starting to sprout white hairs at the top of the colas!

I think (for my plants at least) the red spectrum REALLY plays a big part in the budds.

Thanks for the help guys, i'll keep this posted on how well the transfer goes.
