Lighting Question???


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys -

I have a 1000 watt eye hortilux bulb...

My question is:

---Will I be able to grow 18-20 plants under this...? (I use maxipots which I can fit 36 of these in a 5 x 5 area) (1st 2 weeks I will have 36 plants , however, I can assume that half these will be females, since im growing from seeds) ( I will be trimming the lower branches when tall enough)

---I am growing Vancouver Island Burmese, Belladonna, Blue Haze, ANd sensi American Dream...

--- Also, how long should I Veg. my plants if Im growing this many...Does it matter???

Thanks Guys


Well-Known Member
well i definitly think so, but you always want more light per plant so i would say dont go over that. I had 15 plants with a 400 watt and i felt that was definitly pushing my grow but check out my grow journal that will prob help you out. GOOD luck