Lighting Question.


I had 2 plants outside and 2 inside my cab. It go way to hot outside (100 plus). I moved all 4 plants under 24 hour veg. lighting. Will this hurt the 2 outdoor plants?


Active Member
Shouldn’t MJ’s main thing is light so I guess as long as you have good light you should be fine. Cheers


bud bootlegger
the only thing i'd be worried about with the outdoor plants under 24 hours of light is that when you go to put them back outdoors they may want to start to flower being that they are getting much less light then... can you cut the light hours indoors to say 18 instead of the 24 you're giving them now??? plants do a lil better with some off time anyhoo's, indoors or out..

Fire One Up

Active Member
I had 2 plants outside and 2 inside my cab. It go way to hot outside (100 plus). I moved all 4 plants under 24 hour veg. lighting. Will this hurt the 2 outdoor plants?
I wouldn't mess with the lighting too much, and give them plenty of time between changes if you do. Throwing little monkey wrenches like changing lighting intensity and source into their lives is what throws up their red flags and causes sex changes. My understanding is its a defensive technique if there's a harsh weather change like an early winter to ensure the existing females will be pollinated.
I can't grow outdoors anymore, but when I did and it was hot as heck I'd put a canopy over their little net houses to give them a little shade


Well-Known Member
it would depend on how many light hours u have outside. if your getting 15+hrs of light outside i dont think it would hurt much to bring them under 24/7