Lighting questions


Active Member
Ok so i have a 90w led ufo of decently high quality and i am looking at flowering my 1.5ft plant now i been told that during flowering they can double in high and i am worried that the 90w led will not be enough light for a 3 foot plant a full maturity so the question stands whats a good cheap way to add enough light to insure i can flower the plant? I was looking at adding 12 26w cfls but then i was unsure if it would be better to add 1 125w cfl over head or the 12 26w cfls as i have read the 125w has much better penetration then the 26w but would the extra 187 watts make the 26 watt set pull ahead? Also i plan on a scog grow if that helps and before the over 9000 post of get a HID i have very little ventilation.


Well-Known Member
When I had a small ufo led light similar to yours, I used 3 monster CFL's (105 actual watt 2700k) to add some flower power! I would suggest adding some big CFL's around your girl, and keeping the ufo at 12" over the top. Get 100 actual watt CFL's (5000k-6500k), as they put off little heat, and are usually 2 for $20 online. The 2700K are double in price, and put out some major heat! But yeah...adjsuting 12 cfl's daily will be too much of a chore:-)


Active Member
jw but were do you find 2 105 watt bulbs at 20 bucks? i am jw cause i always see them but there closer to 20-25 bucks a pop online and at the local wallmart they want 20 bucks for a dam 45w bulb >.<


Well-Known Member
CFLs are OLD technique. Not only do they cause environmental problems due to mercury inside cfls, their CRI is poor

Instead you can use A19 leds. HD carries Cree. See RIU thread by captainmorgan- amazing

I have 2 ufo 90 white diode prototypes (3500/5000K) not going into production, using Helios 3w diodes

I ordered 2 of these to supplement


Well-Known Member
If cost/heat is your only factor... Then use as many CFL's that will fit inside your grow...yha wil not over heat it...
LED lamps like Pet above said is another great option... kinda cheap, not as CFL's...
Yes CFL is 'Old school' however, 23 watt cfl's are everywhere, split a socket and fit as many that will fit...
I veg with CFL's... I do not flower w them...