Lighting schedules 28 hr days


Well-Known Member
I just got a new light timer that is programmable by the week rather than just a 24 hour light/dark cycle. If I have my math right I can create an artificial 28 hour light/dark cycle, say 22 hours light 6 dark for veg and 16 light and 12 dark for buds. Trying to wrap my head around if this would speed things up. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Creating a longer day cycle will actually slow things down and will mess with your ability to keep track of the times and do your work inside properly.

Just program by the day and keep your sanity, you have 100 other variables you can happily tinker with without messing your own head up hehe


Well-Known Member
I'd say it won't work. I believe any cannabis plant needs less than 14 hours of light to start flowering. You can't really trick the plant into flowering by making the days longer, it's encoded into the plants dna


Well-Known Member
It will not work. As the others said, 16 hours of light will keep the plant in veg. You need less than 14 hours to trigger flowering. It's not the length of night cycle but the length of the total day. 24 hours has been the cycle for quite a long time. You trying to over complicate a simple situation and all you going to do is fuck your grow up.