Lighting, WaterFarm, Mothers


Well-Known Member
I bought a couple of waterfarm's and am wondering if they will be adequate to grow mothers in? (for cloning only) my concern with the waterfarm is will the plants have enough space for the root system? Would a 24" 2 bulb New Wave t5 be enough light for 2 waterfarms, or should i go and buy a 24" 4 bulb New Wave t5? I already have the 24" 2 bulb light, just lookin to save a few bucks. What about bulbs? I have been using blue spectrum for veg and red spectrum for flowering, I don't plan on flowering these as they will be to tall to go under my HPS. Should i mix it up 2 blue spectrum and 2 red spectrum bulbs?


Active Member
what are the specs of the room? If you have a HPS use it. If not get the 4 bulb 44" t5 and mix the spectrum.


Active Member
room size is 10' x 7'. I have 6 HPH and 6 HPS. just wondering if there's an advantage by adding more lumens per plant.


Well-Known Member
The waterfarms have plenty of space for some lots of roots, I wouldn't worry about that.
I have grown out some 5' tall trees without any issues and used them for moms as well
when I ventured elsewhere into hydroponics.

The lighting is all relative on how big of plants you want to grow out, I think you'd be fine
for the first month or so with the smaller 2 bulb light, but eventually your plants are gonna
get big depending on how long you keep the moms around and how well you prune. Upgrading
to the bigger light might be necessary later on, or you could just start new smaller moms from
later generations of clones.

I wouldn't worry about mixing spectrum if you're not flowering the mothers out, your growth
will be great with the blue. It's also not gonna hurt you to mix them either, so probably really
just depends on personal preference.