

Well-Known Member
Not really. As long as the lights aren't to hot and they don't burn your plants your all good.

Peace out x


Well-Known Member
For cfl's no. For hps and HID, Yes but its very hard (and cost a shitload of money) to get to that point so i'd say no.


Well-Known Member
there is no such thing as too much lighting as far the plant goes. However, there can be lights too close, or too much heat being put off by lighting. There are simply fixes to those problems

munch box

Well-Known Member
the sun is like putting a 10,000 watt light bulb on your plant, then if you live in equitorial regions of the world where the UVB levels are through the roof and humidity is low you get massive trichome production i.e. thailand , south mexico. the resin production is so intense that the thc pops out of the bulb like a pimple, and then pusses out all over the plant, thus giving you the sticky-icky.its so dank you could throw it up against a wall and it will stick. take a roadtrip its worth it.

munch box

Well-Known Member
humans deal with massive ammounts of UVB in the form of a sunburn and sometimes worse. the plants i like to grow respond to UVB by producing massive ammounts of trichomes. your welcome. hit me up on some thankyou points, i need social status