lights are lights

q1 no (lumens are only what the human eyes can see they have little to do with plant photo.)

q2 no (led are to new and they are still in there develpometal stage a lot of the clams can not be replacted or proven right now cfls do the same as led no diffrant the only good one are way to exspensive a 600w led will cost thousands compared to a 600w hps)

q3 not yet ( at one point they weren't using cfls but now look you cant buy an aerogarden without one look at the yelds that cfls can put out one day leds when the science is perfected that all will used yes hps and mh will still be better and maybe even cfls but they are all tobig and comsume to much energy in large #s but not leds lets say on a spacestation were power consumption is a great issue the leds will be the best option or lets say a place where it is to cold to grow outside year round like where i live so i have a garden room and not just for weed but i have tomatos eggplants lattus greens beans etc. i injoy growing indoors and whatever helps keep my runnig cost down im all for i dont drag my plants in and out of the house with every saeson i stay in side in a control inviroment

leds have a long way to go yes but they are coming

I'm gonna rep you for taking the time to do this study and making it public, despite the fact that your posts are actually painful to read.
thanks bro
i was a total class clown in school so i didnt make good grades
im 30 and i read and write at an 8th grade level
so i do apalogize for the grammer and spelling
but i can grow the hell out of some weed
thx for the + rep
Also, if your serious about wrapping a bunch of xmas lights together in a bundle, it sounds like an incredible risk for a fire, and heat...

Your talking about spending 200 bucks to try to see if you can grow trees with christmas lights.... you could buy a light designed for it for that.

HAHAHAHAHA...if i may quote " if your serious about wrapping a bunch of xmas lights together in a bundle, it sounds like an incredible risk for a fire" that was mad funny!!!!!!
A Christmas light produces white light. Then when the light hits the paint, it all gets blocked out except for red/blue/green/whatever color the paint is. You would have better luck scraping the paint off of the bulbs and using them as they are. It's not magical or anything, it's just that the plants are more efficient at using some frequencies than others, not exclusively one frequency and not others. Different chlorophylls (a, b, c1, c2, and d) use different frequencies too which is why the plant chemically "knows" to flower when you switch your lights to the lower end of the spectrum.
The photoperiod lets them know when to start flowering, not the spectrum.

The christmas light thing is a clever idea. But I dont think it will work out very well. The grow lights they are making are manufactured to specific spectrums and adjustable.

Either way, for what your gonna spend on those Led panels or strings, You could buy a 150W setup or more. HID grows the best buds :)

**the spectrum may help in aiding from veg to flower, but is not the main contributor***
I didnt mean to totally burst your bubble.
FIRE FIRE FIRE is what your asking for....... ASK YOUR SELF THIS QUESTION, How many X-mas tress start on fire EVERY YEAR. For the amount of money you will spend and time taping all that shit together for your death trap, you would be better off buying the HPS or MH like mentioned above. I hope if you try it the best to you, and you have some electrical experience (... Safty First Kids....
FIRE FIRE FIRE is what your asking for....... ASK YOUR SELF THIS QUESTION, How many X-mas tress start on fire EVERY YEAR. For the amount of money you will spend and time taping all that shit together for your death trap, you would be better off buying the HPS or MH like mentioned above. I hope if you try it the best to you, and you have some electrical experience (... Safty First Kids....
Or you could get a 250w Ecolite and reflector for probably less that $150 and I can guarantee you they're really good, probably nothing on HID but for a small grow they're the balls.