lights heat 8 wk pics clone 1st: )


Active Member
so i have been on my 1st grow nor for 8 weeks i have grown outside for 15 yrs my 1st inside my grow box is 1 3" 2 6" 4 feet high been running 6 cfls 6 weeks 24/24 last 2 weeks 18/6 sexed them and pulled 2 lones off both plants babies doing great 7 days old MY 1St thanks to this site.

So i want to flower so i went out and bought a 400 mh and hp all in one lamp diff bulbs cause most of u said that cfl would not be the bud I am looking 4 now i have heat up the ass can not close doors i know i need a fan size?
can not beleve the diff in light that these put out
Please help if u see any thing i could do diff? now i have 6 plants when can i start to flowre clones?
seeds from a kid in collage that grows not sure what kind?



Well-Known Member
If thats tin foil in there you wanna be careful using that powerful lamp with it as it may cause hot spots and heat build up.

You'd be better of painting it all white all though thats obviously not an option as your already growing and the fumes could affect the plants health,if you can afford some mylar get that instead.

I use a very cheap basic oscillating fan to cool my room down and keep the hot air moving around the tops,but i can leave the door open where i am a little bit,if you cant you will need to make an exhaust system in your room to vent the heat and the smell.:weed:


Active Member
yes going to get mylr today put this in a big hurry was going to put plants outside till i smoked and it was what we call 911 so i thought i would keep strain going