Lights On and Off Hourly Everyday till Harvest


Well-Known Member
this would idealy put the plant at 12/12 hours of light... im wondering what kind of plant would be grown out if the lights were to come on for an hour, then go off for an hour... just an idea... im curious because if this were to work, my temps would stay down.. my timer gives me this option, so just wondering if anyone on here has tried this, seen or read about it, or is smart enough to give me a legitimate response... im about experimental growing so please dont reply with something to the degree of stickin with what works... i want facts on this hypothesis simply put... thanks guys... i come to you since, for the most part, everyone on here is pretty green thumbish...


Well-Known Member
I have no clue what it would do to the plants. But it will kill bulbs Fasters from all the strikes might hurt an e ballasts also


Active Member
Herm would be my guess, MJ senses crazy environmental factors and it's only choice is to go herm if it thinks no pollen is going to be available. It is the only way to ensure the next year's crop ie. the plants ongoing survival.


definitely a bad idea, it would most likely cause your plants to herm, unless you have some strain that is bred for that, but i have not heard of any. though this may also not put the plant into flowering but it will most definitely stress the plants


Well-Known Member
I predict death. your plants are acclimated to nature's regimen by millions of years of adaptation. how would you perform if YOU were only allowed to sleep for an hour at a time? the plant needs continuous light and continuous dark for proper growth. period.

and what you're proposing isn't "equaling 12/12" its 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 no "equals" about it. plants flower when they encounter CONTINUOUS dark periods of approx 12 hrs (depending on strain) chopping up the period will only serve to confuse the plant. confusion = bananas.


Well-Known Member
:D whats going on man ! been busy, this lame Job & all. >.< but ima quit next month so ill have more time for my babies.. Lemme go snap yu a photo ;D bb in 10 w/ thread 4yu


Well-Known Member
thanks raw... ur answer was what i was lookin for basically... i may try this on a schwag seed just to see whats up, or order the cheapest fem seed i can find... it would be an interesting grow... hell i can harvest the male pollen from a fem seed and polinate a fem and see what happens.... like i said, i am all about experimental, and if i cant find a grower who has already tried it, i will do it myself i guess... thanks guys...


Well-Known Member
thanks raw... ur answer was what i was lookin for basically... i may try this on a schwag seed just to see whats up, or order the cheapest fem seed i can find... it would be an interesting grow... hell i can harvest the male pollen from a fem seed and polinate a fem and see what happens.... like i said, i am all about experimental, and if i cant find a grower who has already tried it, i will do it myself i guess... thanks guys...
maybe the other posters were not clear enough so let me re-phrase it in a way you will understand............ if you do this you will completely fuck up your plant and will get nothing off it apart from masses of seeds, no smokeable bud and you will look like a bit of an idiot in front of everyone you tell about it after explicitly being advised NOT to do it, bit clearer for ya?


Active Member
sounds like something you shouldn't do unless you like balls in your face...if its HID lighting your power bill will also be much more due to demand daws/your light pulls more wattage than it uses to turn on....doing this 12 times a day wont help


New Member
I was wondering this, but with a little less stupidity, as I was thinking about what would happen if it were done with an auto