

when should i start to turn on my lights, my buddy was supposed to help me, he just doesn't ever show up! so i'm doing this solo. i got 6 seeds starting to sprout and they are in grow cubes. i got a 1000 hps with a vented hood, and a fan to get the heat out of the room, it's already to go and hooked up, it's just not on.


Well-Known Member
If the 1000 is all you have to work with I'd have them a good 6' away from the babies for now. If their out of the ground they need light so turn it on now. 18 on 6 off. If you have some cfl lights or a sunny window I would use those to start. A 1k is overkill for seedlings.


Active Member
If it were me ... I would not use such a whooper of a light to start out with. Depending on the amount of money you have, spend a couple of tens and get some CFL's or Fluoro's to start with. That 1000 is way too much for a little-bitty seedling.

Get that started and for the time being, don't sweat the H202 just yet. Are you growing in soil, hydro, aero? Any and all info is much needed for the members on here to help you. We want to help you as much as we can, but we def need to have a little bit more of info to do so.

Also, read the many posts that are on here. I am sure that you will find the answer to a lot of questions, especially now that you are going solo. Always remember one thing also ... It is just a "weed" and is very hard to kill. They usually bounce back if you catch the problem quick enough.

Best of Luck
MaineYankee :-)


i have 1000w hps dwc two 5 gallon buckets roots are 4 inches out the net pot on one just read today to keep water level 1 inch from the pots when root shows and 1 inch from cube when not showing out the bottom of pot. i have two air pumps each are for 100l.i started from seed in the cube or whatever them little things are called i waited till they were about 1 inch and a half then moved them to my they are like i said 3 to 4 inches and the root on one is out about 4 inches can i add a little miracle grow in now mildly and no i cannot afford any other food for what is the proxyde for ?and yes thats all i can do for now with the light.thank you for your time


i am using a hydro set up. that i built, the grow cubes are in a dome plastic thing bought at a hydro shop.
i am going to move them to my system when i see the plants start showing from the grow cubes, they will be in 2" net pods


i am new to lil and i heard to wait till they were about an inch inch and a half before putting them in my buckets under the light so thats what i did and they are growing my light is 5 6 ft away hopefully a pro will come tell us lol

Pat the stoner

New Member
I keep mine under flourescents for 3 weeks (about) before going to my MH . I think that they grow better under the flourescents when they are babies . 1000w is a bad ass light . i dont have the stones to use something that powerful yet . Like the Maineyankee said I'd spend a little on the flourescents for now and put them under it right away like 2 or 3 inches .


Active Member
Not being rude ... But I think you are going over the top. A small shop light ($8 at wally world will suffice for seedlings) unless you have a Johnny's Selected Seeds grow going with over 100 little seedlings.

I think you should really consider doing some reading here mate. You are going way overboard for your first solo grow. Slow and steady wins the race every time !!

MaineYankee :-)


i got a space heater in the room and now i got 1 that is about 3" out of the grow cube, i moved it into a small hydro system with a single shop light over it


it's going better now i got 3 sprouts and three more about to sprout. i got my light timed at 18 on and 6 off, and my pump is spraying every 20 minutes for five minutes.


Active Member
Sounds as though things are progressing as they should. At first when you started your story, I was afraid of overkill in the worse way. Sometimes we need to tone ourselves down just a tad.
Great work LilWood :-)

The MaineYankee :-)