Lilly Miller Sulfer Dust for mites

a friend of mine bought this stuff for me for my roses, for powdery mildew and aphids. worked for the powdery mildew, but had to use neem oil for the aphids. my question is have any of you used this stuff before on your cannabis plants for mites before? if so how well did it work and how much per gallon did you mix up? i plan on trying it later tonight when my lights turn off for the night, at a mix of 1 teaspoon/gallon. my 2 plants are about a week in flower plus i have 7 in veg and 2 for seed production.

ya the sulfur isnt water soluble, you have to keep shaking it to keep it from settling at the bottom of the spray bottle. adding it to water just makes it stick easily i think. just checked my plants in the closet to see if they needed watering. checked the leaves and found alive mites, so it doesnt seem to kill them :( will be putting the plants back in my tub in a couple days to wash all the sulfur off the plants, and hopefully some mites and eggs also.