lingering problem.... any idea what it may be?


so only one of my plants is having this issue, its a smudge droopy so i figured i was over watering, and i have cut back on the water till the soil was dry at the depth of my full middle finger, and its still pretty droopy....

the leaves are a nice dark green as it did have a bit to much nitrogen a while back due to the fact i didn't realize MG peatmoss and perlite is "enriched" with extra nutes, but the "claw" has been taken care of for the most part, and last time i watered i did a flush...

any who here is a pic, any idea? its still been like this for about a week and a half even after cutting back the water a bit.... witch is making me wonder whats up





You think That's causing it to wilt? I didn't think that would cause the wilting only the curled tips, but thanks for the reply ill definitely look into it abit further & an yea we figured out awhile back that we had a smudge to much nuts since we were nuting half strength and the soil already had some so we cut the nuts completely... The thing that baffles me is all of my other plants are in the same soil and doin fine

Ohh and this is just alittle over 3 weeks old (from seed) under cfl if that helps at all, thanks :)
i wouldn't stress the MG nutes. you certainly don't have burn. looks a bit like overwatering to me. check pH, if good, let pots dry out completely between waterings a few times. see what happens.