Liquid Bloom additives are a complete waste...


So I have been reading on nutrient profiles a lot lately.

it made me think. I have a bottle of AN overdrive, which is 1-5-4.
it says to dose 2ml/gal. I broke down the analysis, and I am seeing
4 N
9 P
14 K
4 Mg

i am doing latewoods feeding schedule, which is basically a modified Lucas.

so with 8M 16B 2OD 3CM+, the breakdown is
150 N
115 P
197 K
156 Ca
87 Mg

isnt this nitrogen way too high for the last weeks of flowering? Why is the P so low with this proven formula.
What is the point of overdrive, it seems like it's hardly adding any p and k to the solution. And at $10/250ml that's bullshit.

It would seem to be more cost effective to feed at a 3M-22B = 49N-146P-230K. I have been flowering for 7 weeks and my buds are super leafy, which I am attributing to the rather large dose of N. I'll be cutting out the OD and CM+ and running that 3M 22B it seems to meet the nutrient requirements a lot better than all these expensive additives that doesn't seem like they are worth it.

am I doing these calculations correct?


Well-Known Member
It's not a computer program, it's a plant. You dont need instruments and calibrated ferts to grow it. Scrap all that BS and learn to read the leaves, they are far more accurate than any digital display, and never need calibration. The only meter I have or will ever need is my thermometer/hygrometer.


Well-Known Member
Look up mono-potassium phosphate.

So I have been reading on nutrient profiles a lot lately.

it made me think. I have a bottle of AN overdrive, which is 1-5-4.
it says to dose 2ml/gal. I broke down the analysis, and I am seeing
4 N
9 P
14 K
4 Mg

i am doing latewoods feeding schedule, which is basically a modified Lucas.

so with 8M 16B 2OD 3CM+, the breakdown is
150 N
115 P
197 K
156 Ca
87 Mg

isnt this nitrogen way too high for the last weeks of flowering? Why is the P so low with this proven formula.
What is the point of overdrive, it seems like it's hardly adding any p and k to the solution. And at $10/250ml that's bullshit.

It would seem to be more cost effective to feed at a 3M-22B = 49N-146P-230K. I have been flowering for 7 weeks and my buds are super leafy, which I am attributing to the rather large dose of N. I'll be cutting out the OD and CM+ and running that 3M 22B it seems to meet the nutrient requirements a lot better than all these expensive additives that doesn't seem like they are worth it.

am I doing these calculations correct?


Well no instruments were used..just a calculator. I only use a ppm/ph pen. Why are you talking about calibration...calibrated ferts? How do you calibrate ferts. I don't think you understand what I am asking. Computer program wut?

So your advice is don't compile any data or try to figure out what exactly I'm giving my plants? No thanks mate