Liquid Fertilizing Question


Well-Known Member
Can you add Grow Big and Big Bloom products to your plants at the same time, or should you limit the higher nutrient uptake to either nitrogen, phosphorous seperately? Obviously, I'm not talking about feeding them with more nutes at the same time, but maybe adding one, and then next watering adding the other.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the responses peeps...should've looked at the abovementioned pdf but its an outdoor grow so the light schedules are different kinda than what is shown...they are still in vegetative state, but showing very very early signs of preflowering so I wasn't sure what the best would be for me right now...started a little later outdoors, and want to maximize yield.
big bloom is the micro nute pack, and is all organic. Grow big and tiger bloom are the primary veg and flower nutes. So basically, the big bloom is pretty hard to burn your plants with, thats why it calls for such high dosages. If thats all you're working with, start working them up to full strength grow big asap, they're gonna be hurting for N as is during flowering.


Well-Known Member
done..of the seven plants I have I used two tablespoons of big bloom per gallon of water on five of them, and the two smaller plants I used the grow big solution to try and get them stronger...So I essentially have started buidling up the organic big bloom on the larger plants...I'm in north carolina, and even though the light cycle is starting to diminish I thought I had another month of them growing in veg, but from what I've heard by experienced growers, now is already the beginning of the time for growth to slow and stop and flowering to begin...
done..of the seven plants I have I used two tablespoons of big bloom per gallon of water on five of them, and the two smaller plants I used the grow big solution to try and get them stronger...So I essentially have started buidling up the organic big bloom on the larger plants...I'm in north carolina, and even though the light cycle is starting to diminish I thought I had another month of them growing in veg, but from what I've heard by experienced growers, now is already the beginning of the time for growth to slow and stop and flowering to begin...
give them all grow big, start around 1 tsp per gallon. Give them the big bloom with it as well, 1 tablespoon per gallon, work your way up to doubling them both over a couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
give them all grow big, start around 1 tsp per gallon. Give them the big bloom with it as well, 1 tablespoon per gallon, work your way up to doubling them both over a couple of weeks.

-Can I mix both liquid fertilizers in the same 1 gallon jug, or do I have to do seperately?