Liquid Kelp


Well-Known Member
Hey guys

So during my previous grow I was using a small amount of liquid kelp meal in every watering as a way to PH my water which comes 8.2 out of the tap. Using around 5ml or so per 1.5l brings the PH down to 6.5-6.7.

I started using it quite late after the first 3 or so weeks. Im about to start a new grow - can I start with this when they are young seedlings i.e. 3rd set of leaves?

Reason I ask this is because I tried autos in another previous grow and those were absolutely horrendous.

I did have a new light that I got - 240w 3500k Quantum board so im also not sure if it was too strong, too soon for the autos/ light is defective, or it was the liquid kelp from too early on.

Let me know what you guys do would love to know
I use kelp from the time of germination, but not all kelp is the same. Some have very high levels of potassium due to the extraction method. What product are you using exactly? Just curious because kelp shouldn't have such a strong effect on PH.
What are you growing in? Does it have fertilizer in it?
I have watered with the same ph water, in pots with soil without any problems or adjustments
I'm growing in a mix of coir, compost, perlite, worm castings etc it's a massive blend of different things. But I know it's ph is around 6.2 as iv tested it with a blue labs soil pen. Defs not stacked with any slow release ferts etc
Maybe just try a tried and true medium instead of a massive blend of stuff.
Keep it simple works.
Not saying thats your issue, but if you want to grow in coco grow in coco, ph and feed, same goes for soilless.
Or just a good soil and water....
I'm growing in a mix of coir, compost, perlite, worm castings etc it's a massive blend of different things. But I know it's ph is around 6.2 as iv tested it with a blue labs soil pen. Defs not stacked with any slow release ferts etc

Are you testing the watering runoff of the pots?
If so isn't that a false test?
I remember a discussion years ago about trying to get the pot runoff pH and stuff right for organic soil. If I remember right it was decided that testing water runoff out the organic soil pots was a false test on what the soil is actually about.

A healthy active soil will balance pH and stuff out. Naturally adding things to get the liquid runoff to some perceived norm may well be foolish in the organic soil sense.

Well, it was a long time ago so I look forward to reading more from your thread about this.

Thanks for the replies gents!

I use my Blue labs pen to test my water and kelp mix or bloom ferts before watering it into the soil. That way I keep it balanced from day 1
I use kelp from the time of germination, but not all kelp is the same. Some have very high levels of potassium due to the extraction method. What product are you using exactly? Just curious because kelp shouldn't have such a strong effect on PH.

What are your suggestions for kelp products? Interested in possibly adding this in, but I'd like a good informed suggestion as to what would be a solid choice. I'll be working with ProMix HP+, GH Flora Trio and XG Mykos.
What are your suggestions for kelp products? Interested in possibly adding this in, but I'd like a good informed suggestion as to what would be a solid choice. I'll be working with ProMix HP+, GH Flora Trio and XG Mykos.
Off the top of my head, two products that tested below detectable limits for heavy metals are the Age Old Organics Kelp and the Neptune's Harvest 0-0-1 kelp. Right now I'm using the Age Old stuff. For Fulvic Acid I use Mr. Fulvic, it's very concentrated and good stuff. Multiple studies have shown increased germ rates when you soak seeds in Kelp and fulvic-the regular mix rates are fine for the soak but don't go longer than 12 hours. Long soaking times kill a lot of seeds. I use both from germ straight through bloom. I usually do a kelp/fulvic foliar once per week during veg. Other studies have shown that both can help prevent PM, but the main reason I use them is they really help when you aggressively top plants, like in mainline training for example. They shorten internode spacing too. I'm also convinced that kelp boosts terpene production in flowers.
Just make your own.

Thanks! Filed for future use...the first time around I'm probably going to stick with a pre-made, but I'm pretty DIY on many things like this, so once I've got a handle I'll jump on it.
Off the top of my head, two products that tested below detectable limits for heavy metals are the Age Old Organics Kelp and the Neptune's Harvest 0-0-1 kelp. Right now I'm using the Age Old stuff. For Fulvic Acid I use Mr. Fulvic, it's very concentrated and good stuff. Multiple studies have shown increased germ rates when you soak seeds in Kelp and fulvic-the regular mix rates are fine for the soak but don't go longer than 12 hours. Long soaking times kill a lot of seeds. I use both from germ straight through bloom. I usually do a kelp/fulvic foliar once per week during veg. Other studies have shown that both can help prevent PM, but the main reason I use them is they really help when you aggressively top plants, like in mainline training for example. They shorten internode spacing too. I'm also convinced that kelp boosts terpene production in flowers.

Cool. This helps. I've always been more of a put seeds in soil and let 'em go kind a person, but will consider a soak in solution. I've visited Amazon and dropped a few things in my 'cart' to grab for this next round.

Any thoughts on efficacy of this, given I'm not a super-soil/organics person but using traditional salt based nutrients for now?
bought this stuff from local agway for 10$, throw 1 oz mix it with 7.5ml of calmag (or half dose) into a gallon of RO then ph, use it on my foxfarms soil mix... ocean, strawberry, happyfrog, perlite...doesnt mess with PH too badly being 0-0-1.... you can also get one mixed with fish stuff... has nitrogen, but i pref just the kelp(seaweed)....Been feeding my plants since week 2, no burn what so ever, best plants ive personally seen at the 4 weeks they are now...thats after wk2/3 LST as well.....ymmv thonep.jpg
Dude your so close to being organic you may as well just take the final step. LOL Neptunes Harvest is good shit. If you added some Dolo lime to your mix there you wouldnt need to worry about your ph. Add enough to buffer your soil where you want it.
Really? Was going to try it, so filter and hot water? My wife will kill me lol.
Yeah, gonna want to clean the pot after. And the little filter holder then run clean water before making coffee in it again.
4tbsp kelp meal 4 cups water- mix brew in gallon of water then pour in your spray bottle.