liquid or dry fertilizer?


Well-Known Member
which ever is fine..

just stay away from the 'slow release' nutes.

those are almost damn near impossible to flush out before harvesting.

also, I have one suggestion for you.. that I give to all noobies. Read! Read all the material you can.. read until your eyes go crossed involuntarily! You'll want to research all the growing steps of growing cannabis.. then look for information regarding each step (subject) and read all the ones you can get your hands on.

Best of luck to you..



Well-Known Member
Dry nutes have a longer shelf life then liquid nutes do. Only growing 3 plants, you may want to go with the dry nutes.


Well-Known Member
With Liquid fertilizers you have to feed twice a week with water. Any good guerrilla grower knows that is a threat to security and only backyard lawnchair growers use liquids outside.

Dry organic amendments are the best dry fertilizer and they feed the plant naturally all summer long. Instead of giving the plants food with waterings twice a week you fertilize twice all summer. Once before you plant and again with a top dressing of flowering ferts.

None of that flushing to worry about with organics. The root zone does not get saturated with chemicals like a time released chemical pellet or something else like that would.

If they are planted right in the ground the only time you have to worry about watering is at the peak of summer.


Active Member
...many pros and many cons to both, neither is better than the other and mostly depends on your personality/character... advice is to always start with soil and master that before you more onto the next type (of you are interested..)


Active Member
First I would like to explain my credentials, I have been farming my whole life, and involved in two greenhouses, fertilizer experience is a must. First things first what kind of fertilizers are you talking about. There are tons of liguid and dry fertilizers that are complete crap, just a waste of time buying. Look at the nutrient analysis. Dry fertilizers are nice to use in the soil, as you can mix them in and they will feed as they break down. Liquids can be used in soil or foliar, meaning on the plant. When using foliar, you must be careful, because with high N rates you can burn a plant. Most fertilizers you find at stores you should have no problem with. Let me know what fertilizer you plan on using and I can break it down for you, if you want, otherwise I am not going to go into detail. Do you have access to commercial farm fertilizers...

As for flushing, I have been reading and reading on this, what is the consensence on this from other people. This is what I came up with, flushing is a waste of time. Plants all need fert. and this fert is broken down into plant enzymes. What are you flushing out.

As usual this is a discussion not a place to bash people, if you feel like calling names, save your time and keep it to yourself, I am here to learn and hopefully help the community.