New Member
Sup guys and gals of RIU, New user long time cannabis enthusiast. I think what i like about cannabis the most is the people that grow it. We are the new age farmers, To be honest ill be growing for the rest of my life; its good for the triangle of life, but my true aspirations are to start my own hydrofarm. I want to help feed the communities of the US that are poverty stricken, because with new cannabis growing technologies, we could build a few factories in each state and provide cheap health fruits and veggies and herbs to the sick and ill. Who needs medicine, its all addictive cover ups that make you sicker by moving your illness and toxicities to a new area of your body and most of the new drugs out their cause diabetes because they fucking ruin your liver and kidneys. I want to get into politics too, but that's a long way away. So anyway im not just all work, i play hockey and rugby. I gots a ps3 if anyone wants to add me on the network my PSN-ID is Pat_theBaker_er i usually play Black ops-2, and i need a good zombie killing team. Im a filthy Hooker lol, you wont get that unless you play rugby (its a position in the game). My bodies my temple and i work out and run a lot, Im pretty sure the human body has the ability to live forever we just havent figured it out. I guess im pretty smart, quick learner you could say; dont really care for grammar if you ever read any of my posts the human mind has the cpality to raed aynthnig inst ti carzy? I loooove looking at all the RIU members pics and posts. Just started dappling in the community and its a fine one, lots of love here. I DONT HAVE A CAMERA, it pissed me off my samsung galaxy 4 broke i was using that and i just put my sd card into some slot in my computer now i cant get it out lol i thought it was an sd slot it wasnt, ladies i dont usually have this problem hahaha. But im a pretty laid back guy, my one flaw i fucking think way to much, probably the cannabis's fault. I was going to give a short into but i now how everyone loves to read! I just stopped going to college, kinda lost my way didnt really see much coming out of where i was going, changed my mindset and im gearing up to finish and get my bachelors degree so i can start my own business, just wish college was cheaper. Also my favorite smoke is da BLUNT and im not talking about a blunt when i say blunt i mean BLUNNNT, a good blunt takes the taste of tobacco out of the wrap, so you better be rolling 5-10 grams in that shit. gotta love that first tote when you get the tobacco brings the thc stright to the brain and that shit hits you like a wrecking ball!!! I had a molino mad scientist v3, dropped my grinder on it and smashed it to peices ( the glass around the down stem was super thin, Any molino reps if you see this i was not impressed. I had put in the downstem had the water in it ready to burn up an O, with my roommate; when he went to pull the downstem out and blame shit just snapped, it looked like the glass was about the thickness of a lightbulb. Still the thing ripped like winds from Katrina, i could get that thing so much smoke in that thing you could say the abc's and still be blowing out smoke. But yeah so smashed it with the grinder because i was really fucked up the pats just lost the super bowl and we needed to calm down, it started getting rowdy haha. I plan on getting the molino mad "cryientist" v4 that mushroom perk on it loooks sweeeet. So once my outdoors curing imma order it up so i can reap my harvest haha. So thats my intro hello to everyone! One last thing to leave you with just a funny story. So i had my first girlfriend over (she smoked but was not a stoner like meh.) chalked up the cryientist v3 to the point where i was like
damn.... then pulled the slide and cleared it about half way then passed out, funniest thing i have ever seen because she just kinda leaned back and fell asleep on the couch in which i called her the sleepy dragon because smoke was just pouring out her nose. I proceeded then to move to the living room back up a few more bongs and play dbz with my roomate (raging blast 2 is dope if your a dbz fan get it you wont be disappointing.) Well i don't want to write another page but i could go on hahaha. Last and It is the last for this post, Tip on life; Speak Intelligently so that your audience can interpret even the most complex ideas in the simplest ways. (Big words don't mean shit if your audience doesn't know what they mean. it just makes you look like a pretentious prick, so keep it simple and your life will be simple.)
LitNripped over and out.