Little bugs in soil?


Today i just bought a bag of organic soil and i looked at it later and realized there were some very small bugs that were walking around? is this harmful to seedling?


Well-Known Member
Are they white in color,you find them sometimes in organic mediums, they break down the harder wood matter.I did not find them to hurt the plants but I did change soil even though I was told they would be ok.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
gnats . very common in soil harmless. if you look very closely you prob will see wings, put some sand or perlite on top of the little bugs. and let the soil dry up before watering . im not guaranteeing they are gnats . 99 % of the time it is though . could be a lot of buys . some love to eat roots ! send us a pic .


Well-Known Member
Mix a bit of food grade Diatomaceous Earth in the soil and or put a coating of it on top to help get rid of them little buggers...

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Soil that contains vermicompost usually has soil mites that are not bad for your plants and actually indicate healthy soil food web. If they are very tiny that could be what they are. Gnats fly around & are a general nuisance but won't really hurt your plants either unless left unchecked...just sprinkle some diatomaceous earth on the top layer of soil & try not to overwater; let the soil dry out a bit in between DE if you haven't heard of it- it will kill only the bad bugs & provide a source of silica