little help pleas


So i started germing seeds...i am doing closet grow. but i got 5/10 crap seeds to germ as this my first grow testing...but i got only 35 cfl lights 26 watts...ik only enuf for one plant what should i do? Start all 5u and hope? Suggestions please
So i started germing seeds...i am doing closet grow. but i got 5/10 crap seeds to germ as this my first grow testing...but i got only 35 cfl lights 26 watts...ik only enuf for one plant what should i do? Start all 5u and hope? Suggestions please

??? are you saying you have 35 cfls that are 26w ea?
Im in a closet and have surge box but affraid it will blow fuse wen i art work and bye nye plants...but i also using the metal bulb holder thing people use to heat up snake tanks. I cant find the bulb spliter things anywhere where i can put two bulbs into it. Idk im just new at this
You can rip the metal off back of cfl wire black wire to smooth or black on an extention cord and other color usually red to ribbed wire or white and daisy chain as many together as you want, or try menards,ace,true value, walmart, lowes, home depot, or any lightihg or electrical supply
Yes, that is enough to veg 1 maybe 2. You can get a splitter at any hardeware store.

Suggestion, read and study the stickies on the Newbie, Growing, and CFL forums. You will learn more about growing cannabis than you ever thought possible. Then you can post pertinent questions on your SUCCESSFUL grow.