little help please. moving to apartment for first time.

first off whats up all at riu. i need a little help. im moving into a apartment from a single family house with no neighbors.
so smell was never a problem. i love my weed and especialy stinky weed. so i need a strain i can grow ebb and flood and dirt .so.
that my neighbors wont be able to tell. i myself love ak 47 and skunk but there pungent very strong odor. want a fruity strain that will kick ass
in yeild and buzz. thanks in advance to who ever helps. if something actualy smelled like fruit that would be awesome. ????


Active Member
I'm growing -World of Seeds/Amnesia, and Delicious Seeds/Critical Sensi Star, and they both have a grapefruit type smell (great for stealth apartment grows) I haven't harvested yet, but they both are looking good.
Oh I almost forgot, I'm also growing, Nirvana Seeds/ Northern Lights-Auto, I'm not sure of the smell, but I dont think it would be too had to hide if it is strong.


Well-Known Member
BBC is right, there is just to much traffic in apartments to grow securely. A nosey neighbour and/or landlord and your off to jail, plus apartment walls are quite thin nowadays, even a good filter and fan may not be able to keep the smell at bay and even so the fan noise may be inviting to the nosey type.



Well-Known Member
I've grown in an apartment safely now for 7 years. There are rules to follow though. Plan on living like a hermit, because like was said above, lots of traffic in and out of main building so safety is number 1. Smell is another main issue so plan on carbon filters ona block and tons of fabreeze lol. I have literally been standing guard for years now growing and I dream of the day I own my own house and having the freedom to finally have a grow stress free. Apartment growing can be done, but it is very stressful, very time consuming, very detail oriented and one tiny slip up and its off to the slammy hole.


Active Member
I'm a first time grower in an apartment, and I can say that I am growing stress free, It's not as bad as people are making it out to be, as long as ur not growing in your living room, you will be fine.


Active Member
My only real worry's are plant related, as long as you use common scene and don't go overboard like (10 plants or more) like I said above, you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Only two apts where I live not a complex. While my neighbors are cool, I would NEVER want them to know about my hobby. A Quality carbon filter all the way, you have to be extra careful, I don't think I would do it in a complex. I've been in the neighbors apt and checked for sound levels. Before I added my filter I could hear the fan, after filter no fan noise. Becareful about bringing your supplies in and the garbage you throw out. I grow widow and occasional bag seed, I'm not sure of smell level of the widow vs others but no filter & widow is helluza stinky like through two rooms and door and a hallway. I learned quick my 1st go at it where I'm at. Where I grew up there were 12 foot outdoor plants grew by the old man in the country.