I'm looking for the 3000k, digi key was out when I checked
Dude, you fuckin rock sir! 12 of them are on the way to me! Now, I am wanting some red and far red as well. Happen to know if they make strips in that? If I have to I will get the rapid led pucks but id rather not, just because I should be able to add something to the build for cheaper, or more of it for the same price
Thank you! Will be ordering those today hopefully. I'm just going with 2 of the far reds for now (the reds will be on a separate timer as well), the build will leave room for modifications. Now for the drivers. Sooo many options. I'm going with Mean Well for sure as that is what is already on the build. Will be using 2 drivers, technically 6 in the total build if you count the 4 already on the Spider Farmer SF1000's. I'm finding drivers all over the place, opposite problem of the strips lol. Suggestions? one driver for 2 of the red strips and one driver for 12 of the white strips. Havnt decided which drivers yet as I may leave room for expansion without needing new drivershttps://www.cutter.com.au/product/ssk-1560-660/ Deep Red in 2ft
https://www.cutter.com.au/product/ssk-1560-730_660/ Far Red in 2ft
https://www.cutter.com.au/product/cutter-zge-285-dxp-custom/ far red or deep red in 1ft strips
Weather packs are fairly cheap. You could probably get a whole kit for $50 that would take care of that light and then some.I'm going to be making this a modular plug and play design. I will be running everything in parallel so I can plug and play each individual strip and board. Time to start looking at all the little connectors and crap. Joy this is going to add up. I may do the plug and play part in pieces as I go, have not decided yet, just know all that extra stuff will make it cost a lot more to build
Boatguy, you rock! You don't happen to be in Cali?
East coast buddyBoatguy, you rock! You don't happen to be in Cali?
Dang, nobody is on the Westcoast to let me know where to find local suppliers. Always nice to find local, but thank you very much. Hopefully i'll have all the parts and pieces soonEast coast buddy