lmao at my cloning attempt.


Well-Known Member
so i took like 8 or 9 clones of a few different plants, and put all of them but one in rooting gel and promix(all i had at time) then the last one i did in ro water, and the ro water has roots already and that was the last one to go in.. lmao. oh well guess ill just go that from now on.


Active Member
ive kept clones alive in water covered in a ziplok in the fridge. They last quite a while in the fridge b4 u plant.


Well-Known Member
i didnt even cover them, and tghe other 8 i did, an they all pretty much died but the one in the glass is living, has about 3 roots coming out the bottom.


Active Member
That is my preferred cloning method. I use solo cups filled with water and covered with foil. No misting, no dome. Poke a hole in the foil and slide the clone in. Change the water at day 3. Very few have failed to root within 5-6 days. Some in 3. Congrats on finding the cheap and easy way.