Lock out, burn, or defeciency????


Im in the third week of vegetation
Two 400W mh lights
Carbon filter with 4" 165cfm fan
16" oscelating fan
Warrior 3 gal pots (provides oxygen at bottom of pot)
Botanicare nutrients
Temps 75-80 F
Humidity - 35% dry
6" inline fan

My plants were doing alright, I had no problems, I switched them from their cups to their three gallon warrior pots then I fed them with water twice. I feed every three - four days. I fed them botanicare nutes and they developed a small burn and/or defeciency. Im using RO water that I buy from my local grow store and I add cal-mag to it, this time I tried to use my tap water (city water) to try and save money and a trip to the store and they started to do this (see in picture). I believe it is lock-out do to the chlorine in my tap water, I have researched alot. Im a somewhat experienced grower, its my third grow, I have the grow bible and have done plenty of research. Again, I think its a lock-out do to chlorine or chlorimine in my tap water but also somewhat resembles a defeciency and/or overwatering. The reason I believe it is lock-out is because these girls seem as if they were using their fan leafs to feed themselves, they are cupping down and dying at the tips slowly until it reaches the stem and dies off, which would be because it cant take up the necessary nutrients so its feeding itself off its own leafs, right?! Please help!



Active Member
have you checked the condition of the roots? I had a similar problem, turned out to be pythium fungas ( root rot ) I treated with H2O2 and managed to save them. If the roots are not a nice bright white, then its a root fungas.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
your over feeding them go back to straight water for a few waterings ,make sure the soil is getting a chance to dry some the roots need to be able to breath and too much water will cause root rot


if you want to use water fromthe tap you can fill gallon jugs and put them into the sun for 2-3 days and the sun will burn out chlorine in water... same principle for adding chlorine to pools as the sun eats it up... remember the city puts it in high doses to account for the time it takes to make it from the plant to your house through all those old ass dirty pipes...


could chlorine in the water cause this thoe because i have only fed them once i use botanicare nutes and there basically all organic and i used have a dose on em the tap water i feel as thoe did it


looks like nute burn..maybe a flush is in order.
like i said at the top they were doing fine i use low doses of all organic botanicare nutes, and i would use r.o water from my local grow store i put them into bigger pots and watered twice then fed them they developed a slight burn then i didnt feel like running up to the store five times to have water to flush with so i ph'd my tap water and used it then that happend.