Lockdowns didn't work.


Well-Known Member
I still wish my profile would be removed along with all my posts because I spent so many years agreeing with people who turned out to be militant lockdown advocates. But I'm still going to rub it in. Go ahead and tout your dead granny for sympathy, doesn't make you any less wrong, doesn't make it someone else's fault just for having liberty.

China is still sticking with its economically self destructive but clearly ineffective and deeply unpopular lockdown strategy, long after the rest of the world has come to realize that we're going to have to live with the virus those commies unleashed on us. Meanwhile Taiwan is eating out at restaurants and hosting visitors.
OK I’ll bite.
What is the objective (i.e. public health, with references) reason against a lockdown?

Let’s not get into sentiment-driven motives like this or that ideology.
Lockdowns do work if done properly and effectively it’s this nonsense back and forth shit that messes it up and everybody complaining about having to suffer through something to save lives. In fact isn’t it worth it if only one life was saved the problem here is we don’t hold value to any human life that isn’t our own. Lock downs do work it’s scientifically proven and has been used for hundreds of years. isolation and quarantine are very effective ways of isolating and preventing the spread of disease and viruses . To bad it doesn’t work for the spread of stupidity and misinformation.
I still wish my profile would be removed along with all my posts because I spent so many years agreeing with people who turned out to be militant lockdown advocates. But I'm still going to rub it in. Go ahead and tout your dead granny for sympathy, doesn't make you any less wrong, doesn't make it someone else's fault just for having liberty.

China is still sticking with its economically self destructive but clearly ineffective and deeply unpopular lockdown strategy, long after the rest of the world has come to realize that we're going to have to live with the virus those commies unleashed on us. Meanwhile Taiwan is eating out at restaurants and hosting visitors.
Your concern for Chinas economy is telling
Lockdowns saved tens of thousands of lives prior to effective vaccines, effective meaning they prevent hospitalization and death not infection. China banked on their domestic vaccines which turned out to be terrible and so they are stuck in Covid Zero hell. We're just lucky that Covid wasn't more serious than it is-as a dress rehearsal for a potential civilization ender, we failed miserably. Watching these Red Hats role play as Typhoid Mary would have been funny if they hadn't killed so many people. Covid killed several old Trumpers that I knew in town.
Oh right, slow the pace...

So Sweden was a hare? How many laps did China go? I'm assuming each variation is a lap around the track at a given pace in the race to herd immunity.

The only thing that had a slow pace was the global economy. Lockdowns did fuck all to slow the spread. The only reason China is still struggling is because of the vaccines. Lockdowns were purely political and had absolutely no bearing on the pace of the spread of the virus.
OK I’ll bite.
What is the objective (i.e. public health, with references) reason against a lockdown?

Let’s not get into sentiment-driven motives like this or that ideology.

The onus is not upon the free citizen to offer any reason at all as to why they have civil liberties. It is upon those who would infringe the free movement of the free citizen to prove that the measures were both effective and constitutional.

Otherwise the precedent has been set and there is STILL no solid proof that those measures were the least bit effective.
The lockdowns definitely saved lives in the beginning. The lockdown’s purpose wasn’t to eradicate the virus but slow it’s spread.
The purpose was to "flatten the curve" and very specificaly to avoid having too many cases too quickly for the limited supply of ventilators. You must understand this clearly because it is this very specific goal which was touted as the strategy to save lives. Not simply to slow the spread. All along, epidemiologists and health agencies understood that this absolutely would be spreading throughout the entire population and that people would die.

They simply never asked for consent. Many of us were not scared and then they mongered fear and made the very fear a political position. It was always an option for those who wanted to cower indoors to do so. My criticism is for the militant lockdown activists who wanted to make sure that the measures were backed by law enforcement.