Lockout? Toxicity? (pics)

Indoor (not experienced dealing with these small sensitive plants!)
Soil Grow under a 90 3 LED
I water every other day and was feeding every other watering; but I haven't fed in the past 2 waterings n=in fear of an abundance of something.
4 weeks into flower
2 Gal Smart pots

Whatever this is I feel like its what killed my last god-damn indoor attempt.

Whatever it is its progression is slow making it really easy to ignore up till now, hopefully someone can help me put a stop to whatever I'm doing wrong!

I always PH my water (tap water but, i just purchased a few gallons of purified water from Walgreens yesterday thinking that the chemicals in the tap water could be my problem, and Ill start using it as soon as I get PH UP cuz it tested low and all I have is PH DOWN bcuz my tap water is high) I usually dial it in a little above 6 but after reading some chart in my research today I'll be more diligent about making sure it hits 6.5 on the dot, before waterings.

Especially because I tested my runoff today and it was only ~5.0 ?? So what does this mean?!! Please help!!

Extra details
420 Formula Soil 4/5
Perlite 1/5

When I feed I use
FF Big Bloom, I started at 1/4 dose but may have moved up to 1/2 dose to rapidly??
Cal-Mag Plus- 2.5ML per 1/2 gallon

I gave them a small top dressing of eb stone ultra bloom 0-10-10 a few weeks back as well.

I vegged for 3 weeks, super cropped the main stem of each of them once at 2 weeks. Upward growth seemed to stop? none of them seem to be getting any closer to light as days go by, i am starting to see some trichs.

I'm sure everyone will say to flush, I'm gunna borrow some final flush from my buddy tonight and his PH Up.
But should I flush them tomorrow morning when I gave them and extra large watering today and as I said previously I usually only water every other day.

Thanks in advance.

-Dookie from the Pines



Well-Known Member
Crappy pictures but it looks to me like you burned them with too much too soon. Common noob mistake.


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to suggest flushing, I'm going to suggest starting over. Way too much nutes. A decent soil will give you a solid month of not needing any nutes. Young plants cannot handle much nutes at all and you will be much better served to let a couple bottom fan leaves fade a bit before you start feeding. Sorry, don't mean to sound harsh because I've been there too and there is always a next time.


Well-Known Member
Really bad nute burn ....with more suckers on the way, any more pics turn the led off and use the flash, thanks.
considering you method, use 50% perlite to your 'hot' soils at pot up,
Flush with 3 times the volume of the pot, with air temperate Ph neutral water, allow to recover in dim light, one day or overnight......avoid feeding for 4 weeks then resume at half the current rate only resume, when you see a positive improvement.

to my blog: https://www.rollitup.org/Journal/Entry/flush-baby-flush.27513/