Well-Known Member
Lol, So on my back porch there is a fuckin BIG ass spider in the window with a huge web. Well there are some Wasps nests back there too. So I shined my lighter near one and got a wasp to get near me. Then I took a fly swatter to it a lil bit to get it weak. Then burned his wings off, then I threw that fucker in the web!!!! HA HA HA
Its just sittin there waiting to be wrapped up and eaten by that big nasty fucker.
If i had a good camera I would take pics. But I think you can just imagine what its like.
But now I feel paranoid that bugs are after me!!! But thats a whole different story involving my stay at mental hospitals ( the looney bin)

If i had a good camera I would take pics. But I think you can just imagine what its like.
But now I feel paranoid that bugs are after me!!! But thats a whole different story involving my stay at mental hospitals ( the looney bin)