Lollipop on Autoflowers?


Well-Known Member
Who uses the Lollipop Technik on Autoflowers? Is that good by Autoflowers ore Not? My Plant is now in Flower Week 2!


Well-Known Member
I couldn't tell you from experience, but I would think unless you are growing 3' tall or better, I wouldn't do it. The plants are too small IMHO.....


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't lolpop at all.. it might just ruin yield.. autos cant really veg well so any form of leaf removal causes a lot of stress. if it gets really big and bushy you can pick off any leaves blocking buds out. if its in a 3 gal or smaller I wouldn't remove anything. but dead leaves. ..each leaf is a solar panel think of it that way near the end of its life like the last 2 weeks before harvest you can pull off some of the fan leaves. because at that point the bud is big enough to act as a solar panel for the plant


Well-Known Member
holy ghost is right, where autos have such a short life span they dont have enough time to recover, if vertical growth hasnt stopped i would lst now, i try to never put my autos under any heavy stress, even when i have leaves blocking bud sites rather than chop them i just tuck them away from the buds, just saves any stress.