Long dark period

my plants are around 3 weeks old they have been doing well, but over the weekend got found by my dad and to make a long story short my light has been turned off for the last 24 hours, it is back on now but i have heard that some people plunge there plants into 24 hours of dark when they want to start the flowering stage, are my plants going to try and start the flowering stage, or will they be okay now that im back on 18/6 ?
+ they are very droopy and dont seem to be responding to the light they are under now very well could it have done long term damage?


Well-Known Member
they are fine it will take at least 3-4 days of messed up light periods to have any effect and that will only effect the most sensitive plants

when plants are sleeping during the dark period the leaves will droop over, they almost look wilted

as long as going 24 hours without lights is all that has happened they are fine

peace :)