Long hair on men?


Well-Known Member
It seems like, in today's society, long hair is not accepted on men. Ive had thick long black hair for a few years now, about half way down my back. I get lots of compliments, but A lot more people telling me its unusual for men to have long hair. I try to pull off the hippie look, with the round glasses, long black hair and big beard. I find it much harder trying to find work with long hair. When I'm stoned I just think, Why is long hair accepted a lot more on women then men today? What has made it that women are allowed by society to have long hair and men aren't. In my opinion long hair on a man, makes a man look much more manly. Anybody else got long hair? Want to share some thoughts? Feel free to share. :leaf:
I had long hair in high school. I cut it shortly thereafter because it's a pain in the ass. We're lucky its socially acceptable not to have long hair.
yea, the only reason I can see why It would not be accepted is because of higher maintenance then shorter hair, more brushing, more washing etc.
hate it on a guy. seriously. men with short hair and facial hair... yum... but for some reason long hair is a turn off on guys
My hair gets long sometimes...but with grey streaks coming in on my sesoned mug, I keep it shorter these days.
I had long hair in high school. I cut it shortly thereafter because it's a pain in the ass. We're lucky its socially acceptable not to have long hair.

whats suchs even more, its more socially acceptable to have short hair than it is long. worse idea in the world. i cant stand short you cant do anything with it. long is good for winter though. i love having mo hawks and bed head and crows nests and death hawks. gives the person dimension
Yes, the one thing I enjoy about having long hair, Is that there is very few men that have still have long hair. It really helps me stand out in a crowd. It makes me extremely "distinguishable", and the ladies go crazy for the long hair.
Yes, the one thing I enjoy about having long hair, Is that there is very few men that have still have long hair. It really helps me stand out in a crowd. It makes me extremely "distinguishable", and the ladies go crazy for the long hair.

Amen to that.

I've had long hair since I was 13. Quite a while now.

I get the odd stare, and small bit of harassment from close minded bigots every so often, but honestly the interest I get from the "right" women more then makes up for it. Besides, it's really fucking easy to make a fool of those morons.

The kinds of women I'm into, love my long hair. My girlfriend say's she'll leave me if I cut my hair.

The kinds of women who don't like my hair also drag cutting tools across their love lips, which I'm not into. Give me a real woman with pubes, who wants a real man to give it to her like a real man should, any day!

There's nothing effeminite about my lion's mane. Every man who's given me real shit about my hair, I've dropped to the floor. Nothing stops harassment from a stupid fuck like embarrassing them in front of their friends.
Urca would not like me, with my clean-shaven face and my ponytail to mid-back. Now that I am older, it's darkened to Midnight Blonde. NOT brown; never brown. call it brown and watch me pout! cn
I used to hide joints in my shoulder length hair, now it's a "3" buzz cut and by 3 I mean clipper size not inches or whatever. I look way better so I think and have been told, I get questioned if I'm in the military a lot lol
Well goodness. Now I'll feel like this in public. cn
I have always had a short crew cut hair styles, somewhere around last july i quit getting hair cuts. I get comments on how curly it is, and people tell me i look a lot younger.. ?


I Look like jack osborne with out glasses :D
ah shit, give it 10 years for the beard to go and i WILL be that dude.... hair goes 1/2 way down my bak in a pony tail. i can make it touch my ass when its free and floating.

keep it clean, in a pony tail and its out of the way. hide it under a hoody and your "normal" :D