Active Member
I am a medical patient and have been fucked over by 2 companies and am here to give a quick heads up for all you consumers. I know neither company is a seed supplier but figured this was the most appropriate thread.
Sorry it has taken so long to put this together but I have been busy with my GROW JOURNAL and being sick.
Company : Got Vape
Complaint: Terrible customer service & harmful/ hazardous products
Result: Disputed the charges and bank refunded me.
The details:
02/03/2010, I ordered an Aroma Classic vaporizer. I specifically ordered it because it is a dual chamber because when passing it around the room, the whip usually comes off and you spill your weed.
Wanna guess where I found the reviews I based my purchase from? Wish I would have known that now.
UPS swears it was delivered but I never got it. It took over a month to replace, no bullshit...
When I got my vaporizer, the whip was a single chamber 2 piece. I already have a hand's free Vapor Brother's unit but I don't like it one bit. Again, mostly because it has a single chambered whip. Called Got Vape and was told they ran out of the dual chambers and would be shipping everyone the dual chamber when they were in (I was told they would be in the 1st week of April). Maybe it was a fucking April Fool's joke I never was in on but on the 22nd, I called wondering if they had a tracking number for my whip. Ironically enough, I was told they just came in that day, so they shipped a new one.
Got this thing in and it's nothing like the one I ordered. The one that was pictured was glass and ceramic. This thing was cheap and plastic with a thin breakable gasket. I was pissed as fuck. So, before even turning it on, I got the pleasure of calling again and speaking with 'Matt' guy sounded like a 19 year old surfer kid half baked out of his mind. I am a smoker and a grower if it wasn't for cannabis, I would be dead by now. I don't mean I'd be in pain or limping around, the pain was making me suicidal. But fur fuck's sake you have a business to run, be professional. I don't care how baked you are don't pull this shit on a customer.
Matt assures me the product was safe and would not melt (no shit, this thing is made from toy car plastic, fuck I'll mail it to fdd to verify). Matt then told me about the 'product testing' they do to ensure all of their products are safe. He even offered to send a 2nd one just in case something happened and to send me the 'deluxe model' when it was released. I told him that if he was correct and it was not going to melt, I wouldn't need another whip and I didn't want them to waste any more money on me (did you notice after my original order all of the others were no charge because it was their fuck up).
A few hours later, my best friend shows up with a bag and after waiting for 2 months & 24 days, I get to use my vaporizer. Turn the unit on full blast and let the packing oils burn off (and no, I didn't have the whip on it in case you were wondering). Turned it off, waited for it to a bit and wiped it down. Turned it back on lower than the directions recommend and packed a bowl.
Before the 1st fucking bowl was cached, I got a harsh hit that turned into an unbearable taste. Having smoked MANY bowls of WR, I knew the whip was probably fucking melting. I was actually wrong. When I removed the bowl to inspect the situation, the vaporized glue left 1 part of the whip in my hand and the other part still on the vaporizer.
You can even see the cheap glue holding it together (1st 2 pics are from the single chamber 2 piece whip)
When I woke up, I felt like shit, terrible stomach ache and headache. I called Matt again (they were closed that night) and told him what happened to the whip. Matt assured me he had never heard of it happening. I ask him if the new whips just came in, how they could be sure. He reverted to his product testing bullshit story again. I demanded to know what the adhesive was made out of and he just said they were made from safe materials. I demanded a refund and the MSDS on the adhesive and all it's components. He told me that would take some time to research. So it's safe ingredients they know NOTHING about. He said he found some deluxe whips in the office (the ones that had not been released a few days ago according to him). He offered to send them. I refused and said I wanted a full refund and I was not willing to ship something with cannabis residue because of legal reasons. He said I would have to mail the unit and everything that came with it. I told him I would rather hold onto the unit and take the adhesive into a lab to have it analyzed (we just so happen to have MANY labs in my area due to 2 huge government weapons sites within 45 minutes of me) and ended the call there.
I went to the contact section of the website looking for a legal department email address since Matt was happy to assure me they would never use harmful shit because they are 'the largest distributor of vaporizers in North America" and all I could find was a customer service email address and sent a long email again demanding the adhesive contents and included pictures.
Honestly, at this point I know the shit is fucking super glue, I just wanted to have it in writing. I made up a story about my phone being disconnected and requested to be emailed. Matt actually told me to go to a payphone and call. This asshole has balls. In my next post you can watch him dance around my demand for the adhesive MSDS.
In the end I called my bank and fixed the problem with one call.
Company: North Coast Hydroponics
Complaint: Doesn't deliver (I suspect he is doing this intentionally)
Result: Disputed the charges with PayPal and got a refund.
Ironically enough, just before my whip from hell arived, I was shopping for fertilizers, I decided to go with a cold pressed fish/kelp emulsion for foliar feeding (if you look at my GROW JOURNAL you will see I am having good results without it, so I abandoned it). I went to NCH website and placed a small order for a gallon. The conformation email says orders ship in 1-3 business days and arrive within 1-10 business days.
After a few days I noticed no tracking number was sent. Burnt out from dealing with Matt a@ Got Raped, I called and left a message. their customer service number sounds like a cell phone or answering machine. J just "hey you reached John... etc). After a few days, no call. It had been like 3 days since the 1-3 business day shipping window was over so I called back. No answer again. I am usually immaculate about researching a company's reputation thoroughly before ordering online. Prepping the grow got crazy as fucking hell for a bit. So, to save you a long explanation... I called a few times and disputed the charge with PayPal for non delivery of goods. Anyone familiar with the dispute process knows the seller has 10 days to respond or it automatically goes in the buyer's favor. Look at the dates on the emails...
So, he didn't just go AWOL and not respond to the dispute, he ignored my calls and in 2 days refunded PayPal. I wonder if this asshole isn't just making money because no one wants to call their CC company and say they got fucked buying shit from a hydro shop in Cali. I make next to nothing on disability and will not tolerate jizz buckets like these ripping off sick patients. So let this stand as a warning to you pieces of shit that lie and scam to make a quick buck. There are people like me with nothing better to do with my time than write a huge article and post it all over the internet. Until today, I never considered using another forum. 1 is enough for me... but now I may have to go to every grow forum out there and post these pictures and my experience. Fuck you both for trying to pull some fast shit on me.
Hey Matt,
My best friend's wife works in a lab and she can have the adhesive analyzed for me when she is back from vacation. A jury might like to hear the results. And I still have all of the unused pieces with that yellow glue in tact.
Good Luck Bro,
I am a medical patient and have been fucked over by 2 companies and am here to give a quick heads up for all you consumers. I know neither company is a seed supplier but figured this was the most appropriate thread.
Sorry it has taken so long to put this together but I have been busy with my GROW JOURNAL and being sick.
Company : Got Vape
Complaint: Terrible customer service & harmful/ hazardous products
Result: Disputed the charges and bank refunded me.
The details:
02/03/2010, I ordered an Aroma Classic vaporizer. I specifically ordered it because it is a dual chamber because when passing it around the room, the whip usually comes off and you spill your weed.

Wanna guess where I found the reviews I based my purchase from? Wish I would have known that now.

UPS swears it was delivered but I never got it. It took over a month to replace, no bullshit...

When I got my vaporizer, the whip was a single chamber 2 piece. I already have a hand's free Vapor Brother's unit but I don't like it one bit. Again, mostly because it has a single chambered whip. Called Got Vape and was told they ran out of the dual chambers and would be shipping everyone the dual chamber when they were in (I was told they would be in the 1st week of April). Maybe it was a fucking April Fool's joke I never was in on but on the 22nd, I called wondering if they had a tracking number for my whip. Ironically enough, I was told they just came in that day, so they shipped a new one.

Got this thing in and it's nothing like the one I ordered. The one that was pictured was glass and ceramic. This thing was cheap and plastic with a thin breakable gasket. I was pissed as fuck. So, before even turning it on, I got the pleasure of calling again and speaking with 'Matt' guy sounded like a 19 year old surfer kid half baked out of his mind. I am a smoker and a grower if it wasn't for cannabis, I would be dead by now. I don't mean I'd be in pain or limping around, the pain was making me suicidal. But fur fuck's sake you have a business to run, be professional. I don't care how baked you are don't pull this shit on a customer.
Matt assures me the product was safe and would not melt (no shit, this thing is made from toy car plastic, fuck I'll mail it to fdd to verify). Matt then told me about the 'product testing' they do to ensure all of their products are safe. He even offered to send a 2nd one just in case something happened and to send me the 'deluxe model' when it was released. I told him that if he was correct and it was not going to melt, I wouldn't need another whip and I didn't want them to waste any more money on me (did you notice after my original order all of the others were no charge because it was their fuck up).
A few hours later, my best friend shows up with a bag and after waiting for 2 months & 24 days, I get to use my vaporizer. Turn the unit on full blast and let the packing oils burn off (and no, I didn't have the whip on it in case you were wondering). Turned it off, waited for it to a bit and wiped it down. Turned it back on lower than the directions recommend and packed a bowl.
Before the 1st fucking bowl was cached, I got a harsh hit that turned into an unbearable taste. Having smoked MANY bowls of WR, I knew the whip was probably fucking melting. I was actually wrong. When I removed the bowl to inspect the situation, the vaporized glue left 1 part of the whip in my hand and the other part still on the vaporizer.
You can even see the cheap glue holding it together (1st 2 pics are from the single chamber 2 piece whip)

When I woke up, I felt like shit, terrible stomach ache and headache. I called Matt again (they were closed that night) and told him what happened to the whip. Matt assured me he had never heard of it happening. I ask him if the new whips just came in, how they could be sure. He reverted to his product testing bullshit story again. I demanded to know what the adhesive was made out of and he just said they were made from safe materials. I demanded a refund and the MSDS on the adhesive and all it's components. He told me that would take some time to research. So it's safe ingredients they know NOTHING about. He said he found some deluxe whips in the office (the ones that had not been released a few days ago according to him). He offered to send them. I refused and said I wanted a full refund and I was not willing to ship something with cannabis residue because of legal reasons. He said I would have to mail the unit and everything that came with it. I told him I would rather hold onto the unit and take the adhesive into a lab to have it analyzed (we just so happen to have MANY labs in my area due to 2 huge government weapons sites within 45 minutes of me) and ended the call there.
I went to the contact section of the website looking for a legal department email address since Matt was happy to assure me they would never use harmful shit because they are 'the largest distributor of vaporizers in North America" and all I could find was a customer service email address and sent a long email again demanding the adhesive contents and included pictures.
Honestly, at this point I know the shit is fucking super glue, I just wanted to have it in writing. I made up a story about my phone being disconnected and requested to be emailed. Matt actually told me to go to a payphone and call. This asshole has balls. In my next post you can watch him dance around my demand for the adhesive MSDS.
In the end I called my bank and fixed the problem with one call.

Company: North Coast Hydroponics
Complaint: Doesn't deliver (I suspect he is doing this intentionally)
Result: Disputed the charges with PayPal and got a refund.
Ironically enough, just before my whip from hell arived, I was shopping for fertilizers, I decided to go with a cold pressed fish/kelp emulsion for foliar feeding (if you look at my GROW JOURNAL you will see I am having good results without it, so I abandoned it). I went to NCH website and placed a small order for a gallon. The conformation email says orders ship in 1-3 business days and arrive within 1-10 business days.

After a few days I noticed no tracking number was sent. Burnt out from dealing with Matt a@ Got Raped, I called and left a message. their customer service number sounds like a cell phone or answering machine. J just "hey you reached John... etc). After a few days, no call. It had been like 3 days since the 1-3 business day shipping window was over so I called back. No answer again. I am usually immaculate about researching a company's reputation thoroughly before ordering online. Prepping the grow got crazy as fucking hell for a bit. So, to save you a long explanation... I called a few times and disputed the charge with PayPal for non delivery of goods. Anyone familiar with the dispute process knows the seller has 10 days to respond or it automatically goes in the buyer's favor. Look at the dates on the emails...

So, he didn't just go AWOL and not respond to the dispute, he ignored my calls and in 2 days refunded PayPal. I wonder if this asshole isn't just making money because no one wants to call their CC company and say they got fucked buying shit from a hydro shop in Cali. I make next to nothing on disability and will not tolerate jizz buckets like these ripping off sick patients. So let this stand as a warning to you pieces of shit that lie and scam to make a quick buck. There are people like me with nothing better to do with my time than write a huge article and post it all over the internet. Until today, I never considered using another forum. 1 is enough for me... but now I may have to go to every grow forum out there and post these pictures and my experience. Fuck you both for trying to pull some fast shit on me.
Hey Matt,
My best friend's wife works in a lab and she can have the adhesive analyzed for me when she is back from vacation. A jury might like to hear the results. And I still have all of the unused pieces with that yellow glue in tact.
Good Luck Bro,