Look what the hydro store gave me for free


Well-Known Member
I thought it was pretty pimp anyway lol. Ever get any cool freebies?? what u get?


A thing or two.......
Actually this was the pile i came home from the "indoor grow expo" with last year, that show is not to be missed, in fact went there instead of the cannabis cup, glad i did, went to the cup afterwards. Gotta love Colorado!!!


Well-Known Member
holy shit! good score! I'm gonna gave to hit that one up next year, when is it? i wanna go to the cannabis cup next year for the 25th anniversary


Well-Known Member
lol, i been getting freebies out the ass. they gave me a nutradip ph pen because i bought a ph stick and it sucked, and i got a hood too lol


The "Medical" Cannabis Cup here in Denver is going to be on 4/21 and 4/22 this year. Haven't heard about the indoor grow expo, but last year they were the same weekend, so i figure sometime in April, probably the 21st


Well-Known Member
hmm, i wish we had indoor grow expos. you would think somewhere. i should look into that type of thing


Active Member
I got a bottle of General Organics Marine and Bloom. Only had to buy about $1000 worth of stuff :D Nonethless it was appreciated not too many other businesses would give away anything for free! Must say something for the people that work in the industry.


sicks stuff

Active Member
most nute vendors will throw freebies at you if you email them and tell them you are looking into shifting to their brand of nutes.. costs ya only an email..


Well-Known Member
I'm kinda interested in using these nutes just because they were made right here in town. They guys that own/run the hydro store also own their own nute and additive line which is made right next door. Pretty cool to me. I like the idea of supporting them because they are local and i hear there nutes are actually pretty good


Actually i am learning more and more that different locals need different nutrients..... (we have a lot of K defiencies here) Would be great to have a local company. I think seeds are the same way, a lot of stuff isn't real happy growing up here above a mile high, other stuff does great. Locally grown stuff seems to do even better.


Well-Known Member
hmm, thats interesting, I havnt noticed any common deficiencies but I do notice when i use there food, ( i havnt tried this food they just gave me but i am/was using there powdered mix) i find my ph is pretty close to balanced perfectly. Same with my ppms


Well-Known Member
never tried anything else except the shit u get at like wal-mart or w.e, but i wasnt growing cannabis at the time so i had no idea about what the ph was or even npk


Well-Known Member
I make sure to ask them if they have any freebies every time I go and I have never left without some sort of freebie. I have lots more freebies than just this. This is just what I had photos of uploaded.



Active Member
Lots of the manufacturers give us (dealers) samples to hand out to our customers. I DO give the stuff away 'cuz that's how I help my loyal customers out, and besides, I got it free too. Bigger problem is that some dealers keep it for themselves and if not marked appropriately, they will sell it a bit later in the season. Not everything is marked as a sample...


Well-Known Member
yeh man....i get loadsa free shit....last i got was a big bottle of mighty wash.....but regular get my jiffys and small stuff for nowt....ph calibrators etc.,...


Well-Known Member
I make sure to ask them if they have any freebies every time I go and I have never left without some sort of freebie. I have lots more freebies than just this. This is just what I had photos of uploaded.
Nice. Another good score


that's amazing. the house and garden stuff is over 200 dollars alone.
I know it, i got a whole box of 1 liter bottles, everything in their line i believe, i hit him up at the end of the show, he asked soil or hydro, i said both, he pointed at a box. Timing is everything at that show, they don't want to carry it out. I watched a group of guys leave with 5 bag of coco