lookin for some help


Well-Known Member
i have a 3 week old plant i started sept. 1 took 4 days to sprout has had 20/4 lighting since then thats been bout the 3 weeks but i want to kno if my set-ups any good i need all the help i can get. i have 3 24w cfl's daylight puttin out 3500k a piece is this any good do i need more light? i have my grow set-up contained to a 3x3x3 space with good air circulation and fresh air 24/7 the temp is newhere from 75-90 with a humidity of 45-70... i water bout 1-2 times a week depending on what my moisture tester says but ive been givin it fertz for bout 2 weeks all i could get is some miracle gro its like 10-15-10 or somthing round that but i only use bout 1/2 a teaspoon for 1 gallon of water ive also been lettin the water set for bout 24 to 48 hrs b4 i use it get rid of ne chlorine or watever. if neone could comment on my setup id appreciate it tons thanx.... ill try to post sum pics here shortly


Well-Known Member
welcome to riu. a couple of thoughts to improve your grow -

try to keep your temperatures below 85 f.

see if you can find a fertilizer with high n, like a 20-10-10 or similar. that is best for the vegging cycle. when you switch to flowering the fertilizer you have now is good.

you could use a more light when it gets bigger - at least 2 more 24 watt cfls when you start flowering.

Gimme The Spliffff

Active Member
Welcome to riu... There's alot of helpful shit on here... Ive been spending hours upon hours reading and learning...Like i said..Welcome to riu.


Well-Known Member
thanx desertrat n spliff, also i probly shoulda mentioned this earlier but wen my plant does go into the flowering stage i have 2 40w cfls puttin out 3000k i heard that the red light spectrum helps in the flowering stage any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
ok so i managed to get the temp down 2 78 if i can keep it there will that help/ what i did was cool the space down its a compact grow box with a lot of heat from the lights theres constant air circulation but not directly on the lights i used iced in a ziploc in front of the fan to circulate some cool air to the lights which i thought wasnt gunna work cuz it just seemed stupid but i was suprized really suprized the temp has maintained and i only have to switch the ice out once a day or every other day which im really liking but thanx again for your help if theres nething else i could do just let me kno im up for tryin all kinds of crazy shit


Well-Known Member
also just so everyone knows the two tips that are brown were from the light it got a lil too close one day and the leaves touched the bulb but it hasnt really hurt it much i dont think


Well-Known Member
sup youngbud, cool name. I don't wanna bring ya down or anything, but that looks like its growin quite slow for three weeks. Believe it or not, I planted mine the exact same day u did! I don't know if it's got to do with the strain of the plant or whatever but u should check this out.... i'll post a pic


Well-Known Member
ya i thought it was grown slower than it should i figured it woulda bushed out n up sum but idk i may have stressed it too much or messed up on something but ima keep tryin wit her but yours is lookin quite nice what strand is that? richjames


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what strand it is, just a dank bagseed. Me and my boy started ours at the exact same time and mine's just been out of control since it sprouted. his was like urs though for a while then it took off too and was doing great til he got all crazy withthe scissors cuttin shit off. Now his is all lop-sided and goofy lookin, funny shit


Well-Known Member
ew damn gotta b careful with the scissors hope it turns out all good for u and him i hope mine pulls out of this runt stage ill keep updated pics on here if u would like to comment thanx


Well-Known Member
Went elk huntin for the weekend. Came back today and both plants are doin great, even my buddy's, all chopped up and everything. I think he learned his lesson though cuz he's gonna shit when he see's mine!


Well-Known Member
awesome did you bag a big one and its good to hear ur buddies plant made it safely thru the hair cut... idk if u can help me but my plant is startn to do sum funked up shit its droopin and the leaves are turnin yellow on top and a dark almost black brown color underneath ive cut 2 leaves off but iv got a 3rd and 4th starting to do it now to ones a lot worse than the other but i didnt want to do any more trimin just yet ill post a pic on here sum time soon so hopefully sumone can tell me wat im doing wrong


Well-Known Member
I never even saw an elk! Sat there opening morning for like 8 hours, in the rain, and nothin. As for ur plant, idk for sure, but it sounds like a phos def? What nutes are u usin, and whats ur ph?


Well-Known Member
im using 26-8-16 miracle gro cuz i cant find ne 20-20-20 and im not sure wat my ph is i would think its 6.5 or 7 cuz the median was neutral wen i bought it and the water has only been tap water left out for more than 24hrs but do u think the nutes may have changed it ne


Well-Known Member
the nutes definately change the ph of the water! I mixed some today with regular distilled water, the ph of the water was 6. With 1tsp of 0-10-10 added to it, the ph dropped dangerously low, like 4.5! U gotta get a ph kit, and test the water alone, and with the nutes. U want it at 6-6.5. I got this kit from general hydroponics for $15 comes with ph up and ph down too.


Well-Known Member
ya unfortunetly iv found that out tho i have lessend the actual amount per gallon i mix it says like 1/2 a tablespoon but i went and used like 1/2 a teaspoon after i made the mistake tho but i think im back on track i hope neways shes still ashort shit but she is startin alot of new growth up top bout 1/4 to a 1/2 inch evryday now but i was wonderin is there newhere to get the perfect nutes for veging and flowering at a local store i dont have ne plant shops for like 100's of miles


Well-Known Member
so i was thinkin about trapin sum rain water and start usin it wat u think could i use less nutes than i am now if i use the rain water cuz i heard it was alot better for the plant than nething i could get out of a tap.