Looking for a good 220v timer that can run 2000w.


Well-Known Member
I have this one mechanical timer and its terrible. I can't get it calibrated to turn on at the right time and now I wonder if it even supports digital ballasts. It is rated at 15amps though. I want one timer that can run 2 220v 1000w hps lights with digital ballasts. I noticed the titan controls timers say not for digital ballasts and found information it can burn the contacts out because they pull up to 40x power when turned on for a split second. I didn't think this would be such a hard problem to solve. I don't want 2 cheap mechanical timers because getting them synced up is damn near impossible. They are plugged into a single 3 outlet 240v extension cord designed for grow lights. What should I use?
The timer doesn't know what load it has. No reason for it not working with digital ballast since it's just a mechanical switch. 15amps/220v can handle 3300w.

Buy a digital timer and set it, done! Turn on power spike is higher than final load yes. Better to start everything in sequences when it comes to growing to save the fuses.
I use these
Hot water heater timer
View attachment 5284939
This looks a bit like mine, but it's digital. During the buildout, my electrician (a good friend) talked me into mechanical latches over magnetic. He said that magnetic could make the lights flicker due to inadequate contact over time..... it cost $1200 more to upgrade, but.. I've never had a problem in 70% RH for 4 years. Mechanical latches sound like a "boom" when they come on or go off. It's scared the shit out of me more than once when I got lost in thought close to lights out.
This looks a bit like mine, but it's digital. During the buildout, my electrician (a good friend) talked me into mechanical latches over magnetic. He said that magnetic could make the lights flicker due to inadequate contact over time..... it cost $1200 more to upgrade, but.. I've never had a problem in 70% RH for 4 years. Mechanical latches sound like a "boom" when they come on or go off. It's scared the shit out of me more than once when I got lost in thought close to lights out.
Bangs even without a load
Not practical for anyone concerned with stealth
But neither is a $1200 upgrade ouch