Looking for a little advice from somebody with grow closet design exp.


Active Member
My plan is to split a closet in half into two levels and put and automated watering system into it. Please understand, when I say automated watering system I am not talking about some expensive system professionally installed, I am talking about a simple water pump on a bi daily timer etc.

The closet dimensions are 5'w x 3'd x 8'h
Walls: Flat White Paint
Floor: Caulked + Lined with thick plastic sheets fitted like carpet and resealed to prevent leaks.
Exhaust System: Exhaust system is pretty simple. The closet in question has a secondary crawl space up on the ceiling of it so I put a fan to size + sealed it to shoot the hot air into the attic. The attic fan is on full exhaust 24/7 to get rid of the rest of the heat. Below, in the closet there are a couple of mini-fans from walmart pointed directly at the large bulbs to push the heat upwards and create more airflow.

Here is what I need done.

I want to put a system in place that separates the closet into two sections, top and bottom. I would put a shelf 4' up the closet and line the shelf with thick plastic to water seal it.

First question: I know from growing plants in pots that when you water them it leaks out the bottom of the pot. I dont like to put the pots in big bowls or on plates because I dont like to soak the roots that way. How would I go about putting a little "gutter" drain system on the shelf above to prevent the leaks from dripping ontop my plants below? Here is what I was thinking:

Line the shelf with thick plastic. When placed in closet, raise the front of the shelf 1/2 inch to create a slight incline forcing the water backwards. On the back lip of the shelf I would line a half-pipe pvc pipe + seal it to catch the water. This would also be on a slight angle down in order to force the water into another pvc pipe that goes directly into my water purification system.

How does that sound?

On another note, I am trying to create a sea of green method where instead of growing two huge plants I can just grow my max legal amount on a dual shelf system with less lighting/cost/space.


Well-Known Member
Seems pretty self explanatory, so much so you even answered your own question. If you need to gutter you need to slop your shelf into your gutter, your gutter needs to slope and drain into a reservoir.

Another method is to not water your plants too much. You dont need a pool of water every time you feed them. Just enough to keep the soil moist. I use a hand sprayer for first couple months until it becomes too tedious


I'm running into a similar design issue,
I'm in a 2x2x4 cardboard box with smart pots and coco...
so apparently im looking for 10-20% runoff every watering.
I dont like having them sit in dishes either...

I'm liking your raised shelf / gutter idea! probably wouldnt work for me, but sounds effective in your situation!