Looking for a perfect indica

Straight indica, Low THC and high CBD. The CBD Crew seems to be out of stock everywhere and I prefer regular seeds for breeding purposes.

This is a breeding project for my wifes crones btw. Thanks so much for any leads!


george xxx

Active Member
Straight indica, Low THC and high CBD.

Better quality meds are always difficult to obtain. I am rather ignorant of the medicinal qualities and properties. I am of the belief that 75% of the people are only interested in THC production for its high. Do you have a somewhat simplified explanaton of the benefit desired or expected from Low THC and high CBD?

This is somewhat confusing I have been under the impression that part of the indica attraction is its often higher concentrations of THC :?:


Well-Known Member
Better quality meds are always difficult to obtain. I am rather ignorant of the medicinal qualities and properties. I am of the belief that 75% of the people are only interested in THC production for its high. Do you have a somewhat simplified explanaton of the benefit desired or expected from Low THC and high CBD?

This is somewhat confusing I have been under the impression that part of the indica attraction is its often higher concentrations of THC :?:
Actually, its the sativa plants that have more THC.
The indica plants have a mixture of THC and CBD.
CBD acts to decrease the "high" effect somewhat, and has some of the more "medical" properties like anti-nausea and anti-pain effects.
But the real "key" to any strain isn't so much the absolute amount of cannabinoids (though that does matter), its the ratio between them.
george, Im super thankful for your concearn about that as am I. I dont want my wife to get high, rather, the CBD in cannabis helps her cramps and vomiting with crones. This is why I am looking for an indica with higher CBD.

I love you all. Thanks for your help.



Active Member
cannatonic, 6-7% cbd and thc content and 1:1 ratio, mk ultra x g13 haze - "grows like a indica smells like a sativa" from resin seeds .... not exactly what your after, but they are available in regular seed packs .... last time i ordered anyway
I feel compeled to add here.. I feel so much like george where alot of recreational users are looking for the thc high but from a medicinal point i am looking for the soothing effect it has for my wife due to the effects on the small intesine when consumed orally. Again, Thankyou and I love you all. Namaste.
secro, do you have a breeder name or link to a site? Without that its like thousands of other varieties that have no place to be obtained.


Well-Known Member
Amsterdam indica and let it go to whatever amber trichs you like. Short and bushey..I have two mothers going now. I like amber for my pain.

edit: Cannatonic is listed as great for nausea.