Looking for a purple auto strain for uk out door

marie e


For some strange reason won't let me log in has tyke 1973,
looking for a auto strain first time in 17 yrs of gardening that i will have done one of these little gals
i'm want a high thc purple strain, never done a purple strain either.Just can't get shut in my shop lol.
wanting one that can cope with cold weather,even though the summer is on its way,uk summers are
like most countrys winters.

All so come up with a really nice medication for sleep conditions,rick simsons oil never really worked to be honest,im not saying it does not work because i know it does.But i still was wakeing up several times a

This is what i have come up with dry sift the fluffy buds and leaf,i do it over a 95 mc screen for 30 seconds
i work with around 9/12 oz of dry leaf and bottoms.

Once you have sifted,put this to one side, then i soak what i have just sifted in a high proof alcohol .But leave the sift on one side,till i get to the rick simson oil,then i add the dry sift till it has the same look has finger hash,it knocks you out i advice takeing it early because the next day you feel a little stoned if not,also been a god send for my wifes,ibs.

I have found the best way to make the hash looking oil/sift is to add sift and oil togeather with a
credit card,keep it moveing by mixing,till it becomes a block,i been takeing .3 of a grm at
night.been far more effective with the sleep problems i have,i have also found that it does not
give ya the munchies a good thing because that is one of the main reason i have stoped smokeing in th eold school way.

I am also in the process of makeing a oil for the e cigs the first set of oil i made was sound but any info on the best process of makeing this oil for the e cigs would be great thanks

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