looking for advice on new room


Ok i have pounded my head over the past 2 months over this. First let me say i am very handy i can build almost anything out of wood. was a sawyer for years then moved to engineering and design in construction. up until meningitis got a hold of my ars. also have been building computers for YEARS. So i do have a understanding of air flow as well. Been looking at different kits from the stanley 336 pro to a bc northenlights "roommate" I dont have much of a green thumb YET. and I still lack that big thing called experience for hydroponics. But anyway here is the deal.

First im not looking for huge quantity but huge quality i am. my budget is 1500-1800 for a nice setup for a n00b like myself to operate. i am only wanting on a average of say 2 OZ a month. with as little foot print as possable.
my area will be in basement. I do have a bathroom roughin. was thinking of shooting the air down the drain. but ill prob still get a carbon filter anyway. as far as how much space i can take its 25' x 10' i know that is way to big for what im shooting for. so i was going to get some panda film and section like 3x3 area and or a 3x5. The lights for this i would like to stick with 400 watt to keep foot print down. think i would like a 600TBH from what i have read. or thinking about getting one of them led lights for 900$ 126x Pro from hydrogrow that would be me at that 600 watt level at the energy useage for a 200. I know there are a lot of LED haters that are stuck in there ways about growing with a led light. But from my understanding if you spend the money and get a good one you will not see any of the old issues with led. Hence why the one i picked out is a 900$ light. my foot print is a concern. Ok so here goes the reason for my post on items that i am going to need to build this and get this going correctly with out me wasting a crap ton of money.

panda film 10x25 should be strong enough? 5.5ml thick

water pump 185 gpm strong enough/ to strong?

air pump powering 2 stones in each room hydrofarm aapa15l 6-watt 15-LPM active aqua air pump with 4 outlets

still not sure what size netpots to get thinking 3.75 or 4"? thinking at the end i will prob have 2 5 gal for flowering room

i got a 18 gal tote to use.

not sure if i need a water chiller yet It prob depends on what kind of light i get? (right now the area is about 65-68 deg in the area im doing this at) nothing is up yet though

General Hydroponics 1/8" spaghetti tubing 100'

I have quite a few old power supply units and pc fans. i was going to toss in the area to feed juice to my fans with a psu tester so i can power them on. I have about 15 fans around here. not saying im going to toss them all in but i have options.

lights: the LED light im looking at is the 126x pro led light from hydrogrow unless somebody convences me into a 400/600 watt or a package deal.
4 2' T5's for starting the plants

the grow medium from what i gather that fox farm seams to do a good job from what i have read. or rockwell? the system type im shooting for will be a bubble system with a drip feed tube/or constant feed tube. Keep in mind this is my first system. i want auto feed:) (I do like the idea of constant water flow from my understanding you will have less pump troubles.

a tent is not out of the question from what i see its 100$ for one the size im looking for its going to cost me 40 for the panda film that would be 1/2 the cost of the tent and a lot more trouble?
the filter if i need one will be led wholesalers gy02301 6-inch hydroponic carbon air filter with 470 CFM with air scrubber oder control

Anyway i just want to make sure im on the right path and open to any suggestions/ thoughts

And sorry i know my post's are kinda hard to read. kinda happens when brain lesions happen. im still working on it though:)


Starting to get really frustrated in what to get. and i need to get this project started.

starting to lean on getting a pre built system with instructions and learn from that point. i am sure i will out grow it. but once i out grow it i should know what im doing. but i dont want to waste a crap ton of money. the kits that have get my eye on are the stanley pro 336 TBH im not a big fan of that light they have inside the unit maybe the upgraded light is better. but i do like the looks of the air flow and the electric foot print. but the price is seams high for such a low powered light and the electrical does not look like a professional did the job. i can mount a surge protector just as good.

Next unit i was looking at NCNL "roommate" price is close to the stanley 336 with no upgrades. the guy i talked to damn near sold me this thing until i found out how much they charge for shipping. just in the shipping charge i know i could setup a small room just for the amount in shipping. So that thing is getting kicked to curb. at this point i think i would rather order that stanley 336 box and save myself in 400$ in shipping charges.

This is more what im leaning to at this point. Original green grow 3.0 1,200$ its 1000$ cheaper then both of the stanley and the roommate. sure its a tent but when it rips im sure ill put some walls around it. or patch it with panda film.

I think with me only looking to yield 2 oz a month I dont want to overspend. but i need something to learn from. i do learn faster from hands on then a book. but i have been doing a lot of reading with in this past 2 months.

found one more kit that dont look bad HTG Supply 600w Complete Grow Tent Kit 575$ a lot cheaper then the rest looks complete?


Well-Known Member
I am just giving u my opinion upon the method I use. I would go deep water culture, I use a drip ring system that has worked flawlessly in producing the highest quality for over 10 years now. I use an 8 bucket drip ring system with a resovoir and controller. As far as the size of the roomif you have that much room in the basement I would go for an 8 x 8 room the more space you give them to grow the better your results will be and the less amount of plants u will need . I would go with a 1000w digital ballast at least. I run two 1000 w digital with 4 4 ft t5 strips and it doesn't cost that much to run. As far as the system it is very beginner friendly you add the nutrients to the resovoir and the controller does the rest. Get a constant ph monitor and spend time in ur room every night and you will pick it up in no time .