looking for any type of work???? PLZ help no bad talk


I am a n.w. ohio family guy looking for side work any type im going to b going towards lenawee through detroit looking to move from this mess so i can get real help for my familiar chronic pancreatitis ive had since i was a small child from family not an alcoholic nor do i even drink some of u mite say im dum but im just trying to live my life an make the best of it for my family an I


Well-Known Member
Do you possess any skills? What kind of work are you capable of doing?
The more info you give the better your chances of someone trying to help you.
Just a suggestion. Best of luck to you.


Well-Known Member
There are factoriea in jackson that will hire you right in if you are interested in long hours and super boring work.


gladstoned i am capable of very different growing an trimming Technics an love farming an animals I have 5 years experience in home remodeling renovation/turnovers/insulation/have all drywall tools at grabs anytime i can do frame work rough an stick Ive built decks, 3 door garages, ive been in quality control an machine operator for campbells soup but there work is seasonal but im open to even starting at somthing new i have child support for 2 an 2 children that live with me im not some bum looking for easy route but thank you for open arms gladstoned an fattymcnuggins whats the number an name please an thank you for that BUT WOOOOW JESUS OF CANNABIS DONT GO ON HERE WITH YOUR DONT COME UP HERE WITH THAT CRAP EVERYONE HAS A RIGHT TO GO WHERE THEY PLEASE NO REASON FOR U TO BE LIKE THAT TO ME YOU DONT KNOW ME OR MY CONDITIONS NOT TO MENTION MY FIANCEE HAS A 2CM CYST NEXT TO HER OPTIC NERVE IN BRAIN AN SHE LOVE THE SCENERY UP THERE SO JUST DONT BE LIKE THAT MAN YOU WOULD MEET US AN PROBABLY LOVE US CAUSE WE GOT OLD BLOOD IN US NOT THIS NEW AGE RUSH EVERYTHING AN FORGET ABOUT THE MEANING OF LIFE SO PLEASE NO BAD TALK UNLESS YOUR JUST SCARED OF COMP UP THERE:!::finger: SORRY FOR THE INDECENT LAST TWO FACES TO EVRYONE BUT THIS JESUS GUY BUT HOPE HE KNOWS I WISH HIM THE BEST ON HIS JOURNEY IN LIFE THANK YOU ALL


JESUS OF CANNABIS JUST DONT UNDERSTAND your friends with two smart people on here an u act that way its a dam shame


Well-Known Member
hey man, at least ur trying something to get what you want out of life. it takes action, and sometimes that action is scary. think about all our ancestors coming over on boats. some of them just the father, maybe only a mother. coming here, leaving there children, and families behind, usually in a war torn area. jus hoping that within a cpl yrs they might be able to send for them.. They couldnt go down to the local Welfare office and sign up, they had to come here and actually bust their asses to make it. you gotta have mucho respect for that.

good luck to you, when i ponder later ill think positive things for you...


Well-Known Member
Check out TAC or Mackey(spelling?), and those are the ones I can think of that will hire people on a regular basis, the turnover is high obviously.


Well-Known Member
I don't know who the fuck would hire random people to trim their harvest, but if you have some tools and can use em, it usually isn't too hard. Well, January 6th is more challenging than June 6th, but
it possible. I really want to start picking up houses. Setting up nice grow rooms in them.
Summer cottages with grow rooms up in the UP? How many fuckers going on vacation now?
Winter time is a good time to walk on a job and let the boss know you are one tough son of a bitch.


lmao ya i dont know to many people whod do tht ither gladstoned but i was just saying what i know how to do an am good at but friendship an trust can go along way brother an yea that would be a very good job an beautiful site up in the up if i had all the tools id start my own buisness but that takes a lil time an i dont wana take wrong steps an land myself on my ass if u get what im sayn i got my family to worry bout to but if your lookin for a young man with an old soul an very honest an trustworthy worker im here brother id be glad to work were i can

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
stay down south, Northern Michigan dosent need more people from Ohio.
lame-ass comment. what if you were in Ohio with a medical condition and wanted to get out and get help?I say stupid shit from time to time too. perhaps lower your standard when choosing a moniker next time.


Active Member
"i have child support for 2 an 2 children that live with me im not some bum looking for easy route"

Collecting child support on 4 kids, now thats hard work


thanks all but medical/420 you are not kidding its a strugle not to mention with just a part time job an side work makes things real hard food stamps help but dont pay bills thats why im one here hoping theres a contractor,boss of some sort,or even a farmer of any sort i just need that full time work but yea 4 kids is no joke lol


Well-Known Member
"i have child support for 2 an 2 children that live with me im not some bum looking for easy route"

Collecting child support on 4 kids, now thats hard work
i think that was more a jab than anything else. seriosly though give the guy a break, he's not asking for "donations" or handouts. dudes asking for a job. and while unfortunately i can't help in that department hopefully someone else can


Well-Known Member
I just noticed a desire to be a property manager of sorts. Funny, until a few minutes ago I had not considered filling out a job application in years.

I don't know who the fuck would hire random people to trim their harvest, but if you have some tools and can use em, it usually isn't too hard. Well, January 6th is more challenging than June 6th, but
it possible. I really want to start picking up houses. Setting up nice grow rooms in them.
Summer cottages with grow rooms up in the UP? How many fuckers going on vacation now?
Winter time is a good time to walk on a job and let the boss know you are one tough son of a bitch.