Looking for books


I'm looking for books. I read the one straw revolution and I've been reading the first teaming and I was wondering what other stuff you guys recommend in that vein ? Even non cannabis horticulture books that you'd recommend as valuable in regards to growing. Hopefully we can get a nice phat list going my guys
Just as he demystified the soil food web in his ground-breaking book Teaming with Microbes, in this new work Jeff Lowenfels explains the basics of plant nutrition from an organic gardener’s perspective.


Another recommendation here for Lowenfels "lord of the roots" trilogy (Teaming with Nutrients, Teaming with Fungi and Teaming with Microbes). A great book for understanding genetics is Carol Deppe's "Breed Your Own Vegetable Varieties". Ive heard great things about "Botany in a Day", but I've not gotten around to reading it yet.
Science in Agriculture (Anderson) is also a good read.
I'm not sure you know this but books are just as prone to bullshit as yo momma. I'm asking for in depth well-regarded books. A library with shit books is useless to me. I don't want to read no stupid ass bible for dummies written like a mf wikiHow.
You apparently missed my joke. By your response I'm frankly surprised you know what a library is.
That was sarcasm not a joke. But now that i shit on you you're gonna say it was just a joke. Maybe you should hit the library so you can think more and say less.
The title of the thread was "Looking for books", the first sentence was, "I'm looking for books." I responded with "Have you tried a library?" I'm not surprised you didn't get it.

What y'all need a book to grow a weed?
I'm not sure you know this but books are just as prone to bullshit as yo momma. I'm asking for in depth well-regarded books. A library with shit books is useless to me. I don't want to read no stupid ass bible for dummies written like a mf wikiHow.

That was sarcasm not a joke. But now that i shit on you you're gonna say it was just a joke. Maybe you should hit the library so you can think more and say less.

Good grief. What's the point in referencing someone's mother? You'll probably find what you need over on youtube. Look up that Canuck dude. You sound at about the same level.
Good grief. What's the point in referencing someone's mother? You'll probably find what you need over on youtube. Look up that Canuck dude. You sound at about the same level.
Lol English isn't my first language and i can guarantee I'm more literate than your dumbass in your own language. The yo momma joke was obviously flippant. Keep projecting though. Vulgarity doesn't mean lack of literacy you fuckin moron.
Lol English isn't my first language and i can guarantee I'm more literate than your dumbass in your own language. The yo momma joke was obviously flippant. Keep projecting though. Vulgarity doesn't mean lack of literacy you fuckin moron.

You're so smart that you need a damn book. Too bad you're not smart enough to do enough research to find a decent book on plant science/botany on your own.

Your childish name calling isn't impressing anyone.

And if you didn't notice this is the Advanced section of the forum. You should be asking simple questions over in the Newbie section.
You're so smart that you need a damn book. Too bad you're not smart enough to do enough research to find a decent book on plant science/botany on your own.

Your childish name calling isn't impressing anyone.

And if you didn't notice this is the Advanced section of the forum. You should be asking simple questions over in the Newbie section.
I only ask here because the rest of the forum is random people talking about their opinions on growing. The "advanced" forum which you seem so proud to be a poster in barely discusses advanced shit and i can't find many book threads at all. Stop trying to act like bad words mean shit and get off your stupid ass high horse. Nobody gives a fuck about you saving face in an argument. You got book recs cool. You wanna be a sarcastic bitch and act like I'm the dumb cunt starting shit I'll tell you to fuck yourself. Now please, fuck off. As entertaining as you are all I'm looking for is a big list of books that aren't filled with Instagram grower opinions.