Looking for DWC/coco intermediate experience level info, searches have failed me thus


Well-Known Member
Hi folks! I am currently on the tail end of a DWC grow, and im just begining my second coco grow. I am looking for information to make me more informed about what I am doing in my garden and why.

The main points I really need to learn more about are:

1) How to keep my PH more stable through PPM (Any reading on this subject that is not for people new to the game, with a little biology and chemistry knowledge)

2) How to find the perfect ppm for my medium/medium-less grows with each strain (What am I looking for?)

3) Flushing DWC or coco (in general hydroponic flushing)

and lastly (and less needed immediately, but still important)

4) How to start/maintain/finish a ORGANIC DWC system.

I would greatly appreciate any links, or books suggested so I can make myself more informed. Forums are great for the novice, but once you get your feet wet there are very FEW articles/posts on the information I seek to learn.


Well-Known Member
That was last weeks readings >_< I am looking for some more detailed oriented information at this point.

But I do appreciate you chiming in, since I did learn a thing or two from your thread last week :)

heck I even got a few of my questions answered on that thread too!