looking for eradicate fungicides for leaf septoria


Well-Known Member
I went away for holidays recently and my dehumidifier failed, needles to say things got pretty swampy in my room.
Hence my mother plants got spetoria,

Now i'm looking for eradicate fungicide to try and save my mother plants so i don't have to start from seed.
All the effected leafs have been removed and conditions are back to perfect.

I do have a Chlorothalonil based fungicide, but it says its preventative not an eradicate fungicide.

Im not fussed on how strong or toxic the fungiced might be, as i won't be taking cuttings from these mothers for 2 months or longer.

Thanks for your help in advance
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Use it as a foliar spray and add it to your water. It literally saved my grow. It triggers immune responses in the plat that stop the invasion. Intruders make their way into the plant through weak or damaged tissue and my understanding is this stuff is a steroid for the plants immune sysem.