Looking for facts on frost.


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone. Last night the temop here up northeastern us got to 38 degree's last night and the night previous was similar. My question id like to throw out there is how many nights of cold weather can healthy cannabis plants handle before they start becoming ocverwhelmed by the frost? I was always told(back in the day) that the purplish tint in outdoor flowers can sometimes be attributed to mother nature hitting it with some frost or cold temps. What's the real scoop?217474_1800552945484_2246961_n.jpg
they can handle so cold nights and yea that will purple up almost any strain. but they should be fine as long as they dont get a heavy frost on em. did it acually frost last night or was is just close to it?
I saw no frost on any plants but then again our vehicle's did have a small smidgen of frost on the windshield. Alll that being said i'd be lying if this isnt exciting me. A family memeber is an oldschool guerilla grower who dosnt embrace technology, and lives in the sticks that will harvest very soon and i cant wait to see his ladies fully cured. Man o man those old school cats DO NOT PLAY AROUND!
I wish....the relative i speak of is a native american vietnam vet, who dosnt allow anyone near his property(including game wardens apparently), he greets them with a 308. He can get away with it tho because he is in the sticks. Once he relaxes around late deer season i'll bribe him into a slice and give pics before i consume that yummy goodness!
In my experience, they can handle cold weather. Like 38 degrees at night indefinitely. Sometimes they will go purple and I've always kind of liked the fact they get some color on them. However they can handle one bad frost. Like 31 or 30 degrees. Anything colder and I would pull them. But dont push your luck after that.
I've been growing for 7 years and can tell you plainly that most cannabis plants will handle light frost well. I do not worry if the temps are going to dip to even 28 at night a couple of times. They will get a wake-up call and hurry along. I had one suffer a hard frost and it was really no big deal (although I do try to get them out before that happens). There was some leaf damage but the buds were fine. If that happens, just harvest right away.
In my experience, they can handle cold weather. Like 38 degrees at night indefinitely. Sometimes they will go purple and I've always kind of liked the fact they get some color on them. However they can handle one bad frost. Like 31 or 30 degrees. Anything colder and I would pull them. But dont push your luck after that.

30-31 degrees is not considered a "bad frost".
I've been growing for 7 years and can tell you plainly that most cannabis plants will handle light frost well. I do not worry if the temps are going to dip to even 28 at night a couple of times. They will get a wake-up call and hurry along. I had one suffer a hard frost and it was really no big deal (although I do try to get them out before that happens). There was some leaf damage but the buds were fine. If that happens, just harvest right away.
good advice
Shame you havent got yourself a polytunnel in your garden. If you have a garden? They are quite cheap and a green one will diguise your growth. You can also throw other plants in to diguise. It extends your season by two months allowing for a further harvest before winter and no frost problems untill it gets very very cold. It also traps the heat and can create a enviroment by opening vents to control humidity. You can pick up a small "galavnised" green tunnel for a few bucks or so.